State Minister for Telecom

Caller tunes: Mobile operators asked to ensure artists’ royalty

The telecom division has directed mobile phone operators to ensure fair royalty to artists for using their songs and recitations as users’ call tunes or welcome tunes.

Biometric SIM registration: Tarana unhappy with telcos’ non-cooperation

State Minister for Telecom Tarana Halim says mobile phone operators are not cooperating with the government to ensure registration of SIM cards with subscribers’ fingerprints.

Users must be compensated for call drops: Tarana

Mobile phone users will have to be compensated for every case of call drop and network failure, State Minister for Telecom Tarana Halim said yesterday.

January 26, 2016
January 26, 2016

Caller tunes: Mobile operators asked to ensure artists’ royalty

The telecom division has directed mobile phone operators to ensure fair royalty to artists for using their songs and recitations as users’ call tunes or welcome tunes.

January 26, 2016
January 26, 2016

Biometric SIM registration: Tarana unhappy with telcos’ non-cooperation

State Minister for Telecom Tarana Halim says mobile phone operators are not cooperating with the government to ensure registration of SIM cards with subscribers’ fingerprints.

January 7, 2016
January 7, 2016

Users must be compensated for call drops: Tarana

Mobile phone users will have to be compensated for every case of call drop and network failure, State Minister for Telecom Tarana Halim said yesterday.