The long-anticipated continuation of the beloved story of “Moana” (2016) is finally over. The sequel, “Moana 2,” made its grand debut on November 27 in theatres across the United States. However, the highly anticipated film debuts today across Star Cineplex locations in Bangladesh, as confirmed by a press release from the renowned multiplex chain.
Disney is gearing up for a huge Thanksgiving box office comeback as indicated by their “Moana 2” trailer, which dropped on Wednesday, and has smashed records to become the studio’s most-watched animated movie trailer ever.
The long-anticipated continuation of the beloved story of “Moana” (2016) is finally over. The sequel, “Moana 2,” made its grand debut on November 27 in theatres across the United States. However, the highly anticipated film debuts today across Star Cineplex locations in Bangladesh, as confirmed by a press release from the renowned multiplex chain.
Disney is gearing up for a huge Thanksgiving box office comeback as indicated by their “Moana 2” trailer, which dropped on Wednesday, and has smashed records to become the studio’s most-watched animated movie trailer ever.