fire kills factory workers

Fire in Mumbai shop kills 12

Twelve workers sleeping in the loft of a dry snacks store in an industrial area of Mumbai are killed by a fire that trapped them in small space they had rented to rest.

5 killed in Gazipur tyre factory fire

At least five workers including a woman are killed in a tyre factory fire in Pubail area of Gazipur.

December 18, 2017
December 18, 2017

Fire in Mumbai shop kills 12

Twelve workers sleeping in the loft of a dry snacks store in an industrial area of Mumbai are killed by a fire that trapped them in small space they had rented to rest.

January 23, 2016
January 23, 2016

5 killed in Gazipur tyre factory fire

At least five workers including a woman are killed in a tyre factory fire in Pubail area of Gazipur.