bnp national council

Ashraf’s claim untrue: Rizvi

BNP leader Rizvi Ahmed terms “untrue” Awami League leader Syed Ashraful Islam’s statement that he did not get invitation to attend BNP’s sixth national council.

BNP to hold national council at IEB

BNP gets permission to hold its sixth national council on March 19 at the Institute of Engineers' Bangladesh (IEB).

Who'll be BNP secy general?

With the BNP's central council likely in March, speculations run rife within the party as to who is going to be its secretary general.

March 20, 2016
March 20, 2016

Ashraf’s claim untrue: Rizvi

BNP leader Rizvi Ahmed terms “untrue” Awami League leader Syed Ashraful Islam’s statement that he did not get invitation to attend BNP’s sixth national council.

March 3, 2016
March 3, 2016

BNP to hold national council at IEB

BNP gets permission to hold its sixth national council on March 19 at the Institute of Engineers' Bangladesh (IEB).

January 25, 2016
January 25, 2016

Who'll be BNP secy general?

With the BNP's central council likely in March, speculations run rife within the party as to who is going to be its secretary general.