storm drainage system

Too much rain clogged city's storm sewers

The government has not yet decided which authority will implement the storm drainage master plan, approved in 2014 for tackling flooding on city streets caused by rain.

Annisul for bringing storm drainage system under city corporations

If entrusted with the management of city’s storm drainage system, Dhaka city corporations will play a role in resolving the acute urban flooding and water logging problem in the capital city, said Dhaka North City Corporation Mayor Annisul Huq.

July 28, 2017
July 28, 2017

Too much rain clogged city's storm sewers

The government has not yet decided which authority will implement the storm drainage master plan, approved in 2014 for tackling flooding on city streets caused by rain.

January 25, 2016
January 25, 2016

Annisul for bringing storm drainage system under city corporations

If entrusted with the management of city’s storm drainage system, Dhaka city corporations will play a role in resolving the acute urban flooding and water logging problem in the capital city, said Dhaka North City Corporation Mayor Annisul Huq.