education law

News Analysis / Too eager to get new laws

It is easier to make a new law than the enforcement and modification of an existing one. The proposed legislation on education is the latest glaring example of this popular saying in our country.

Draft Education Law / Jail, fine for pvt tuition

Anyone giving private tuition or coaching will have to face punishment, as the draft of a new law stipulates that the government can take necessary measures to stop private tuition and coaching.

‘Education law in the offing’

Food Minister Qamrul Islam tells parliament that formulation of an education law is now at the “final stage” for ensuring quality education in the country.

April 10, 2016
April 10, 2016

Too eager to get new laws

It is easier to make a new law than the enforcement and modification of an existing one. The proposed legislation on education is the latest glaring example of this popular saying in our country.

April 7, 2016
April 7, 2016

Jail, fine for pvt tuition

Anyone giving private tuition or coaching will have to face punishment, as the draft of a new law stipulates that the government can take necessary measures to stop private tuition and coaching.

January 28, 2016
January 28, 2016

‘Education law in the offing’

Food Minister Qamrul Islam tells parliament that formulation of an education law is now at the “final stage” for ensuring quality education in the country.