Julian Assange

Project Syndicate / Assange is free, but are we?

I fought for years with and for Julian Assange. In what sense are we who breathe the fresh air outside prisons still free?

War cuts the heart out of humankind

Every society that has experienced the kind of warfare faced by the Iraqis, and now by the Palestinians, is deeply scarred.

Julian Assange wins bid to appeal US extradition ruling

Hundreds of protesters had gathered outside the court ahead of what was a key ruling after 13 years of legal battles, with two judges asked to declare whether they were satisfied by US assurances that Assange, 52, could rely on the First Amendment right if he is tried for spying in the US

Assange may be in the dock, but it is journalism that’s on trial

The case against him and WikiLeaks is much more important for what it might entail for press freedom itself.

Julian Assange to marry fiance Stella Moris in London prison

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and his fiancee Stella Moris get married on Wednesday, at the high-security London prison where he is being held during his extradition case.

Martyrdom of Assange or death blow for journalism?

Aside from being nominated multiple times for the Nobel Peace Prize, including in 2019 by Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Mairead Maguir, Julian Assange has won countless awards for journalism

Julian Assange sentenced to 50 weeks in British jail for skipping bail

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been sentenced to 50 weeks in prison by a British court for skipping bail when he holed up in Ecuador's London embassy for seven years until police dragged him out last month.

Release of Julian Assange sought in Bangladesh

A group of citizens has demonstrated in Dhaka demanding release of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

The Fate of Julian Assange

Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Glenn Greenwald once described WikiLeaks as being “one of the very few, if not only group, effectively putting fear into the hearts of the world's most powerful and corrupt people.” But was that too outlandish of a statement?

June 28, 2024
June 28, 2024

Assange is free, but are we?

I fought for years with and for Julian Assange. In what sense are we who breathe the fresh air outside prisons still free?

May 25, 2024
May 25, 2024

War cuts the heart out of humankind

Every society that has experienced the kind of warfare faced by the Iraqis, and now by the Palestinians, is deeply scarred.

May 20, 2024
May 20, 2024

Julian Assange wins bid to appeal US extradition ruling

Hundreds of protesters had gathered outside the court ahead of what was a key ruling after 13 years of legal battles, with two judges asked to declare whether they were satisfied by US assurances that Assange, 52, could rely on the First Amendment right if he is tried for spying in the US

October 6, 2023
October 6, 2023

Assange may be in the dock, but it is journalism that’s on trial

The case against him and WikiLeaks is much more important for what it might entail for press freedom itself.

March 23, 2022
March 23, 2022

Julian Assange to marry fiance Stella Moris in London prison

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and his fiancee Stella Moris get married on Wednesday, at the high-security London prison where he is being held during his extradition case.

May 3, 2019
May 3, 2019

Martyrdom of Assange or death blow for journalism?

Aside from being nominated multiple times for the Nobel Peace Prize, including in 2019 by Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Mairead Maguir, Julian Assange has won countless awards for journalism

May 1, 2019
May 1, 2019

Julian Assange sentenced to 50 weeks in British jail for skipping bail

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been sentenced to 50 weeks in prison by a British court for skipping bail when he holed up in Ecuador's London embassy for seven years until police dragged him out last month.

April 23, 2019
April 23, 2019

Release of Julian Assange sought in Bangladesh

A group of citizens has demonstrated in Dhaka demanding release of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

April 19, 2019
April 19, 2019

The Fate of Julian Assange

Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Glenn Greenwald once described WikiLeaks as being “one of the very few, if not only group, effectively putting fear into the hearts of the world's most powerful and corrupt people.” But was that too outlandish of a statement?

April 13, 2019
April 13, 2019

Why Julian Assange's extradition must be opposed at all costs

On Thursday, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was arrested by the UK police inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he was

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