Concocted by Ishita Moitra and produced by Karan Johar, an eagerly awaited comedy series is on the horizon. With a star-studded ensemble featuring talents like Ananya Panday, Vir Das, Gurfateh Pirzada, Varun Sood, Vihaan Samat, and Muskkaan Jaferi, the series is set to deliver a refreshing dose of humour. Titled “Call Me Bae”, the show will debut on Prime Video on September 6.
This coming-of-age film also boasts performances from actors Kalki Koechlin, Anya Singh, Vijay Maurya, and Rahul Vohra in pivotal roles.
“Kho Gaye Hum Kahan” is the closest and perhaps the most honest and relatable representation of this lost generation, as the title of the movie says. Perhaps a bit too relatable at times.
Concocted by Ishita Moitra and produced by Karan Johar, an eagerly awaited comedy series is on the horizon. With a star-studded ensemble featuring talents like Ananya Panday, Vir Das, Gurfateh Pirzada, Varun Sood, Vihaan Samat, and Muskkaan Jaferi, the series is set to deliver a refreshing dose of humour. Titled “Call Me Bae”, the show will debut on Prime Video on September 6.
This coming-of-age film also boasts performances from actors Kalki Koechlin, Anya Singh, Vijay Maurya, and Rahul Vohra in pivotal roles.
“Kho Gaye Hum Kahan” is the closest and perhaps the most honest and relatable representation of this lost generation, as the title of the movie says. Perhaps a bit too relatable at times.