Violation of Labour Law

Labour law violation: Bail of Prof Yunus extended till July 4

A Dhaka tribunal today extended bail of Nobel Laureate Prof Muhammad Yunus and three directors of Grameen Telecom till July 4 in a labour law violation case

Yunus’ bail extended in labour law violation case

The Labour Appellate Tribunal in Dhaka extended the bail of Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus in a case filed over violation of labour law

US encourages Bangladesh to ensure fair, transparent legal process for Prof Yunus

The US encouraged the Bangladesh government to ensure a fair and transparent legal process for Nobel Laureate Prof Muhammad Yunus as the appeals process in his labour law violations case continues

Govt seeks to bar Prof Yunus from going abroad

The Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments (DIFE) filed a petition with the High Court yesterday challenging the Labour Appellate Tribunal’s order that stayed the conviction and sentence of Nobel laureate Prof Muhammad Yunus and three others in a labour law violation case.

Let int’l lawyer review Prof Yunus’ cases

Expressing concern over the continuous judicial harassment and potential jailing of Nobel laureate Prof Muhammad Yunus, 242 global leaders, including 125 Nobel laureates, yesterday proposed that a small team of independent legal experts, led by a senior international lawyer, reviews the cases against him.

Govt institution, not workers, sued us

Nobel Laureate Prof Muhammad Yunus yesterday said the workers of Grameen Telecom had not sued him and his three colleagues.

'What will I take with me to jail?'

Yunus repeats question of Nurjahan while sharing ordeals of three accused Grameen Telecom officials

Labour law violation: Yunus, 3 others get bail

The Labour Appellate Tribunal today granted bail to Nobel laureate Prof Muhammad Yunus and three other top officials of Grameen Telecom

Yunus not being provided with court documents despite repeated requests: lawyer

Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus's lawyer today said the labour court, which convicted and sentenced his client to jail, has not provided the relevant documents despite repeated requests

May 23, 2024
May 23, 2024

Labour law violation: Bail of Prof Yunus extended till July 4

A Dhaka tribunal today extended bail of Nobel Laureate Prof Muhammad Yunus and three directors of Grameen Telecom till July 4 in a labour law violation case

March 3, 2024
March 3, 2024

Yunus’ bail extended in labour law violation case

The Labour Appellate Tribunal in Dhaka extended the bail of Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus in a case filed over violation of labour law

February 6, 2024
February 6, 2024

US encourages Bangladesh to ensure fair, transparent legal process for Prof Yunus

The US encouraged the Bangladesh government to ensure a fair and transparent legal process for Nobel Laureate Prof Muhammad Yunus as the appeals process in his labour law violations case continues

February 5, 2024
February 5, 2024

Govt seeks to bar Prof Yunus from going abroad

The Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments (DIFE) filed a petition with the High Court yesterday challenging the Labour Appellate Tribunal’s order that stayed the conviction and sentence of Nobel laureate Prof Muhammad Yunus and three others in a labour law violation case.

January 30, 2024
January 30, 2024

Let int’l lawyer review Prof Yunus’ cases

Expressing concern over the continuous judicial harassment and potential jailing of Nobel laureate Prof Muhammad Yunus, 242 global leaders, including 125 Nobel laureates, yesterday proposed that a small team of independent legal experts, led by a senior international lawyer, reviews the cases against him.

January 29, 2024
January 29, 2024

Govt institution, not workers, sued us

Nobel Laureate Prof Muhammad Yunus yesterday said the workers of Grameen Telecom had not sued him and his three colleagues.

January 28, 2024
January 28, 2024

'What will I take with me to jail?'

Yunus repeats question of Nurjahan while sharing ordeals of three accused Grameen Telecom officials

January 28, 2024
January 28, 2024

Labour law violation: Yunus, 3 others get bail

The Labour Appellate Tribunal today granted bail to Nobel laureate Prof Muhammad Yunus and three other top officials of Grameen Telecom

January 23, 2024
January 23, 2024

Yunus not being provided with court documents despite repeated requests: lawyer

Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus's lawyer today said the labour court, which convicted and sentenced his client to jail, has not provided the relevant documents despite repeated requests

January 4, 2024
January 4, 2024

US wants a ‘fair and transparent’ legal process regarding case against Prof Yunus

The United States has said it wants to see a fair and transparent legal process regarding the case against Nobel laureate Prof Muhammad Yunus

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