
International Day of Forests / How forestry projects destroy forests

Though eucalyptus was eradicated from the public forest land, social forestry continues at a very high cost to natural ecosystems.

Ivory Coast farmers face eviction, extortion in drive to save forests

Ivorian conservation agents are using the threat of eviction and prosecution to extort money from cocoa growers farming illegally in protected forest reserves, victims and rights groups say.

Bringing the forests back to life

Economic growth has meant many countries of this region have substantial capacity to direct public expenditures for forest restoration should it be made a national priority.

March 21, 2023
March 21, 2023

How forestry projects destroy forests

Though eucalyptus was eradicated from the public forest land, social forestry continues at a very high cost to natural ecosystems.

June 15, 2016
June 15, 2016

Ivory Coast farmers face eviction, extortion in drive to save forests

Ivorian conservation agents are using the threat of eviction and prosecution to extort money from cocoa growers farming illegally in protected forest reserves, victims and rights groups say.

February 24, 2016
February 24, 2016

Bringing the forests back to life

Economic growth has meant many countries of this region have substantial capacity to direct public expenditures for forest restoration should it be made a national priority.