Today, four movies, both local and international, are hitting theatres nationwide. Among the Bangladeshi releases are “Priyo Maloti” and “Makorshar Jall”, while Cineplex audiences can also enjoy the Hollywood titles “Kraven the Hunter” and “Mufasa: The Lion King.”
Kushum Shikder’s “Shoroter Joba”, originally a short story published in a 2017 Eid special magazine issue, has now been adapted into a full-length feature film. The movie makes its grand debut today, with screenings at Star Cineplex and Jamuna Blockbuster.
Today, four movies, both local and international, are hitting theatres nationwide. Among the Bangladeshi releases are “Priyo Maloti” and “Makorshar Jall”, while Cineplex audiences can also enjoy the Hollywood titles “Kraven the Hunter” and “Mufasa: The Lion King.”
Kushum Shikder’s “Shoroter Joba”, originally a short story published in a 2017 Eid special magazine issue, has now been adapted into a full-length feature film. The movie makes its grand debut today, with screenings at Star Cineplex and Jamuna Blockbuster.