question papers

Editorial / Error-filled question papers

A look at the English-version primary terminal question papers for fifth graders for Bangladesh and Global Studies subject—which a news report published in this daily yesterday has revealed—confirms our worst fears about the state of education in the country.

Creative method still ineffective

Teachers of more than 40 percent secondary schools still cannot set question papers in creative method though seven years have gone since its introduction, according to a government report.

November 23, 2017
November 23, 2017

Error-filled question papers

A look at the English-version primary terminal question papers for fifth graders for Bangladesh and Global Studies subject—which a news report published in this daily yesterday has revealed—confirms our worst fears about the state of education in the country.

March 1, 2016
March 1, 2016

Creative method still ineffective

Teachers of more than 40 percent secondary schools still cannot set question papers in creative method though seven years have gone since its introduction, according to a government report.