"Kajol Rekha," directed by “Monpura” famed filmmaker Gias Uddin Selim, has become a sensation since its release, drawing crowds and accolades alike. Inspired by the timeless ballad "Maimansingha Gitika", the film weaves a tale of enduring love between a prince and Kajol Rekha, amidst myriad obstacles. In an exclusive interview with The Daily Star, Mondera Chakroborty shared her exhilarating experiences and reflections on her journey with "Kajol Rekha".
"Kajol Rekha," directed by “Monpura” famed filmmaker Gias Uddin Selim, has become a sensation since its release, drawing crowds and accolades alike. Inspired by the timeless ballad "Maimansingha Gitika", the film weaves a tale of enduring love between a prince and Kajol Rekha, amidst myriad obstacles. In an exclusive interview with The Daily Star, Mondera Chakroborty shared her exhilarating experiences and reflections on her journey with "Kajol Rekha".