public hospital

Govt Hospital: Most lacking even basic equipment

Seven out of every ten healthcare facilities in Bangladesh do not have all of the six basic equipment required to treat patients, a government survey finds.

Ordeal of an AIDS patient

Sultana (not the real name) was shocked when refused a surgery on an abscess at a public hospital in Dhaka sometime in 2013 because of being HIV positive.

June 30, 2019
June 30, 2019

Govt Hospital: Most lacking even basic equipment

Seven out of every ten healthcare facilities in Bangladesh do not have all of the six basic equipment required to treat patients, a government survey finds.

March 15, 2016
March 15, 2016

Ordeal of an AIDS patient

Sultana (not the real name) was shocked when refused a surgery on an abscess at a public hospital in Dhaka sometime in 2013 because of being HIV positive.