banking sector challenges in Bangladesh

Urgent bank reforms are crucial

Recover bad loans, punish those who exploited the sector

A former governor’s unpleasant truths about the banking sector

Economists are always noted for telling unpleasant truths because they go by numbers, research, theory, and judgement. Rarely do politicians—who can manufacture arguments to suit their purpose—endorse economists who are objective. Former Bangladesh Bank Governor Dr Mohammad Farashuddin has unvei

August 12, 2024
August 12, 2024

Urgent bank reforms are crucial

Recover bad loans, punish those who exploited the sector

May 8, 2024
May 8, 2024

A former governor’s unpleasant truths about the banking sector

Economists are always noted for telling unpleasant truths because they go by numbers, research, theory, and judgement. Rarely do politicians—who can manufacture arguments to suit their purpose—endorse economists who are objective. Former Bangladesh Bank Governor Dr Mohammad Farashuddin has unvei

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