State religion

Islam as state religion: The provision not contradictory to constitution

The High Court in the full text of a verdict has observed that the provision -- Islam as the state religion -- is not contradictory to the constitution.

HC rejects writ over Islam as state religion

The High Court yesterday rejected the writ petition that challenged the legality of a constitutional provision giving Islam the status of state religion.

Jamaat calls hartal today

The Jamaat-e-Islami yesterday called for a dawn-to-dusk “peaceful” hartal for today to protest “the conspiracy against Islam's status as the state religion in the constitution”.

Jamaat calls countrywide hartal tomorrow

Jamaat-e-Islami calls nationwide dawn-to-dusk hartal tomorrow alleging that move is on to abandon Islam as state religion.

April 27, 2024
April 27, 2024

Islam as state religion: The provision not contradictory to constitution

The High Court in the full text of a verdict has observed that the provision -- Islam as the state religion -- is not contradictory to the constitution.

March 29, 2016
March 29, 2016

HC rejects writ over Islam as state religion

The High Court yesterday rejected the writ petition that challenged the legality of a constitutional provision giving Islam the status of state religion.

March 28, 2016
March 28, 2016

Jamaat calls hartal today

The Jamaat-e-Islami yesterday called for a dawn-to-dusk “peaceful” hartal for today to protest “the conspiracy against Islam's status as the state religion in the constitution”.

March 27, 2016
March 27, 2016

Jamaat calls countrywide hartal tomorrow

Jamaat-e-Islami calls nationwide dawn-to-dusk hartal tomorrow alleging that move is on to abandon Islam as state religion.