Prarthana Fardin Dighi has landed the coveted role of Nirupama in the upcoming film adaptation of Rabindranath Tagore’s iconic short story “Dena Paona”. Directed by Sadek Siddiqui and backed by a government grant, the film promises to bring a fresh perspective to Tagore's timeless narrative.
Actress Prarthana Fardin Dighi, who entered the big screen as a child artiste, has made quite a name for herself. Her early performances in several films earned her praise and three National Film Awards as a child artiste before she later transitioned into a lead actress.
Prarthana Fardin Dighi has landed the coveted role of Nirupama in the upcoming film adaptation of Rabindranath Tagore’s iconic short story “Dena Paona”. Directed by Sadek Siddiqui and backed by a government grant, the film promises to bring a fresh perspective to Tagore's timeless narrative.
Actress Prarthana Fardin Dighi, who entered the big screen as a child artiste, has made quite a name for herself. Her early performances in several films earned her praise and three National Film Awards as a child artiste before she later transitioned into a lead actress.