The festival is set to kick off with the screening of the Chinese film “Moon Man” (directed by Zhang Chiyu), a 2022 science fiction comedy that follows the story of the "last human in the universe" stranded on the moon after an asteroid wipes out life on Earth. With a worldwide gross of over $460 million, "Moon Man" is a box-office sensation, and the opening screening promises to be an exciting start to the festival.
Adnan and Tanveer Hossain’s co-produced Filipino short film “Radikals” has been nominated for its world premiere at the prestigious 77th Cannes Film Festival, at the 63rd Semaine de la Critique (SDLC) of Cannes, this year.
The festival is set to kick off with the screening of the Chinese film “Moon Man” (directed by Zhang Chiyu), a 2022 science fiction comedy that follows the story of the "last human in the universe" stranded on the moon after an asteroid wipes out life on Earth. With a worldwide gross of over $460 million, "Moon Man" is a box-office sensation, and the opening screening promises to be an exciting start to the festival.
Adnan and Tanveer Hossain’s co-produced Filipino short film “Radikals” has been nominated for its world premiere at the prestigious 77th Cannes Film Festival, at the 63rd Semaine de la Critique (SDLC) of Cannes, this year.