Illegal Bangladeshi migrants

Bangladesh embassy in Tripoli confirms

Libya's official government bans Bangladeshi workers from entering the country because many try to travel to Europe by boat illegally, a government spokesman says.

Irregular Bangladeshi expats to get airfare if returns from Oman

Illegal Bangladeshi migrants wishing to leave Oman under general amnesty to be provided special airfare, Bangladesh Biman officials in Oman says.

May 17, 2015
May 17, 2015

Bangladesh embassy in Tripoli confirms

Libya's official government bans Bangladeshi workers from entering the country because many try to travel to Europe by boat illegally, a government spokesman says.

May 5, 2015
May 5, 2015

Irregular Bangladeshi expats to get airfare if returns from Oman

Illegal Bangladeshi migrants wishing to leave Oman under general amnesty to be provided special airfare, Bangladesh Biman officials in Oman says.