g series

Shironamhin takes legal action against G-Series for copyright violation

The band claims that G-Series has been commercially exploiting their songs on YouTube and other digital platforms without authorisation, despite a 2018 ruling by the Bangladesh Copyright Board granting Shironamhin the copyright for at least 30 songs from their first three albums—”Jahaji”, “Ichchhe Ghuri”, and “Bondho Janala”.

May 28, 2024
May 28, 2024

Shironamhin takes legal action against G-Series for copyright violation

The band claims that G-Series has been commercially exploiting their songs on YouTube and other digital platforms without authorisation, despite a 2018 ruling by the Bangladesh Copyright Board granting Shironamhin the copyright for at least 30 songs from their first three albums—”Jahaji”, “Ichchhe Ghuri”, and “Bondho Janala”.

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