
Project Syndicate / The Age of Verbiage

One cannot deny the fact that there are too many overconfident experts making too many predictions about too many issues too quickly these days. A basic economic principle is useful here: the 24-hour news cycle has created a huge need for expert opinion, and the market has simply created the supply to meet the growing demand.

Kepler Spots ‘Alien Megastructure'

The Kepler Space Telescope has spotted a 'bizarre' star system that looks like something an alien civilisation would have built, experts have said.

Perfect pre-Roman era tomb discovered at Pompeii (video)

Archaeologists have discovered a Pre-Roman era tomb in perfect condition at Pompeii, at the site buried in a 79AD volcanic eruption.

February 4, 2023
February 4, 2023

The Age of Verbiage

One cannot deny the fact that there are too many overconfident experts making too many predictions about too many issues too quickly these days. A basic economic principle is useful here: the 24-hour news cycle has created a huge need for expert opinion, and the market has simply created the supply to meet the growing demand.

October 16, 2015
October 16, 2015

Kepler Spots ‘Alien Megastructure'

The Kepler Space Telescope has spotted a 'bizarre' star system that looks like something an alien civilisation would have built, experts have said.

September 23, 2015
September 23, 2015

Perfect pre-Roman era tomb discovered at Pompeii (video)

Archaeologists have discovered a Pre-Roman era tomb in perfect condition at Pompeii, at the site buried in a 79AD volcanic eruption.