black money amnesty

The paradox of whitening black money while fighting corruption

Has the government redefined corruption by excluding the concept of black money?

Amnesty for black money holders is a disgrace

It will not reduce capital flight, only encourage malfeasance

Black money holders get amnesty

Parliament yesterday approved a provision that will allow black money holders to legalise their undisclosed wealth without any scrutiny by paying a 15 percent tax, disregarding widespread condemnation from various quarters.

July 6, 2024
July 6, 2024

The paradox of whitening black money while fighting corruption

Has the government redefined corruption by excluding the concept of black money?

July 1, 2024
July 1, 2024

Amnesty for black money holders is a disgrace

It will not reduce capital flight, only encourage malfeasance

June 30, 2024
June 30, 2024

Black money holders get amnesty

Parliament yesterday approved a provision that will allow black money holders to legalise their undisclosed wealth without any scrutiny by paying a 15 percent tax, disregarding widespread condemnation from various quarters.

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