probe on headmaster humiliation

HUMILIATION OF A HEADMASTER / A symptom of the disease

How can freedom of speech flourish when sensitivities are so high, and public patience so low, when dissent is considered dangerous, any critique is considered to be a challenge, and all opposition is viewed as an existential threat that must be crushed? How credible are the preachy platitudes about democracy coming from people who are not its best exemplar?

Humiliation of N'ganj Teacher / Govt opens probe

In the wake of severe criticism on social media, the education ministry has launched a probe into the incident of public humiliation of a headmaster in Narayanganj for his alleged derogatory comments on religion.

June 2, 2016
June 2, 2016

A symptom of the disease

How can freedom of speech flourish when sensitivities are so high, and public patience so low, when dissent is considered dangerous, any critique is considered to be a challenge, and all opposition is viewed as an existential threat that must be crushed? How credible are the preachy platitudes about democracy coming from people who are not its best exemplar?

May 17, 2016
May 17, 2016

Govt opens probe

In the wake of severe criticism on social media, the education ministry has launched a probe into the incident of public humiliation of a headmaster in Narayanganj for his alleged derogatory comments on religion.