Android users are better drivers than iPhone users: US survey reports

Android users are better car drivers compared to iPhone users, claims a recent study by the US car and home insurance company Jerry.
The study involved a total of 20,000 American drivers travelling for over 13 million km, and divided into six categories: overall safe driving, distraction while driving, speed, turning, accelerating and braking.
According to the results of the study, Android users fared better in all six categories compared to iPhone users, especially in the 'distracted driving' section.

The results were formed based on credit points assigned to the drivers involved in the study. Jerry claims that the highest credit scores were earned by older married homeowners who primarily use Android devices.
In the majority of the scenarios, Android users scored higher than iPhone users, regardless of age, gender, education and marital status, which Jerry states are primary indicators of safe driving scores.
According to the researchers of the study, the results indicate that Android users are less inclined to break traffic rules and drive safely, compared to regular iPhone users who tend to be more distracted while driving cars.
It is to be noted that this study does not necessarily look into the individualistic natures of Android and iPhone users, but rather attempts to provide a very generalised outlook on American drivers and their preference for Android and/or iPhone.