Realistic work resolutions to make 2025 your best year yet

Let's face it: New Year's resolutions often lose steam after the first week. But progress, no matter how small, is a victory. As such, it is important to keep realistic goals in mind when charting out your New Year's resolutions, especially when it involves your work.
Here are some down-to-earth career resolutions you could work towards to boost your professional life - one small step at a time - in 2025.
Revisit an old skill
"Pick up a new skill" is one of the most common goals in any New Year's Resolutions list. However, instead of diverting your time and energy towards forcefully honing a new skill, maybe go back and pick up a skill you practised before but haven't fully learned yet. Familiarity will ease the process, and mastering it could bring fresh opportunities.
Reassess your goals
The new year is a great time to reflect on where you want to be in the next five years. Identify any skills or training you need to pursue, both old and new ones. If you feel you need a career switch, the new year is a good time to think about alternate options as well.
Take a digital detox
In today's screen-driven world, our eyes are glued to our phones and computers almost 24/7. However, taking small moments away from the ever-consuming screens will refresh both your eyes and mental well-being. In the new year, try taking short exercise breaks during work, catching up with friends, or even reading a book - anything to get some much-needed digital detox.
Delegate what you can
This new year could be the best time to decrease pressure on yourself, especially if you are in a managerial or supervisory role. While your job might be to look over others, you should start delegating responsibilities, especially the ones of lesser importance, to your team members. With a more controlled workload, you will be able to focus better on the tasks that require the utmost attention.
Remain committed to your resolution
Whatever resolution you choose, stick with it. Instead of tackling all resolutions at once, choose one goal at a time and work towards it, so you don't get overwhelmed by the self-imposed pressure. Enlist the support of colleagues or loved ones when needed, and remember: progress on even one resolution is better than none.
This year, focus on progress over perfection. With small, deliberate steps, you can make resolutions that drive meaningful growth in your career.