Tech & Startup

Uber contributed Tk 45 Billion to BD economy in 2021: report

Uber's 2021 Bangladesh Economic Impact Report, researched and compiled by Public First, a UK-based policy research firm, was unveiled today at an event in the national capital. The Report highlights how Uber has helped transform the on-demand economy for riders, driver partners, and the wider community by generating Tk. 45 Billion for the Bangladesh economy in 2021. 

It deep dives into the factors behind the economic contribution, consumer surplus, how users benefit, and how driver partners gain from flexible work. Key findings of the Report include:

Uber contributed an estimated Tk. 45 Billion to the Bangladesh economy in 2021. This includes both the impact of earnings of driver-partners facilitated by Uber and the wider indirect and induced multiplier effect created throughout the company's wider supply chain.

Rides on Uber's platform produced Tk. 70 Billion in consumer surplus in 2021, which is roughly equivalent to 0.25% of the GDP of the country.

95% of riders say that comfort is an important reason for choosing to use Uber. It is estimated that Uber saves riders over 17 million hours a year in a year. In fact, as per Bangladeshi riders, ridesharing is the most significant transport innovation they have experienced in the last decade. 73% of driver-partners said they were satisfied with Uber in 2021. It helps them earn an additional Tk. 522 Million in higher income through Uber or an average of 26% more than their next best alternative source of income or work.

96% of female riders say that safety is an important factor in their choice to use Uber, and 72% of female riders agree that it is now easier to get home late at night. 84% of riders without access to a car said the availability of ridesharing services like Uber was important to their choice of not owning a vehicle. In total, the report estimates that 1 in 6 Uber trips connect with public transport.


Uber contributed Tk 45 Billion to BD economy in 2021: report

Uber's 2021 Bangladesh Economic Impact Report, researched and compiled by Public First, a UK-based policy research firm, was unveiled today at an event in the national capital. The Report highlights how Uber has helped transform the on-demand economy for riders, driver partners, and the wider community by generating Tk. 45 Billion for the Bangladesh economy in 2021. 

It deep dives into the factors behind the economic contribution, consumer surplus, how users benefit, and how driver partners gain from flexible work. Key findings of the Report include:

Uber contributed an estimated Tk. 45 Billion to the Bangladesh economy in 2021. This includes both the impact of earnings of driver-partners facilitated by Uber and the wider indirect and induced multiplier effect created throughout the company's wider supply chain.

Rides on Uber's platform produced Tk. 70 Billion in consumer surplus in 2021, which is roughly equivalent to 0.25% of the GDP of the country.

95% of riders say that comfort is an important reason for choosing to use Uber. It is estimated that Uber saves riders over 17 million hours a year in a year. In fact, as per Bangladeshi riders, ridesharing is the most significant transport innovation they have experienced in the last decade. 73% of driver-partners said they were satisfied with Uber in 2021. It helps them earn an additional Tk. 522 Million in higher income through Uber or an average of 26% more than their next best alternative source of income or work.

96% of female riders say that safety is an important factor in their choice to use Uber, and 72% of female riders agree that it is now easier to get home late at night. 84% of riders without access to a car said the availability of ridesharing services like Uber was important to their choice of not owning a vehicle. In total, the report estimates that 1 in 6 Uber trips connect with public transport.


ভাত খাইয়ে ক্রমাগত পেটানো হয় তোফাজ্জলকে

ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের ফজলুল হক মুসলিম হলে ৩৫ বছর বয়সী তোফাজ্জল হোসেনকে নির্মমভাবে মারধর করার আগে হামলাকারীরা মোবাইল ফোন চুরির অভিযোগে ক্ষতিপূরণ হিসেবে তার পরিবারের কাছ থেকে ৩৫ হাজার টাকা দাবি করেছিল।

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