Tech & Startup

You can now call and message ChatGPT with this number

ChatGPT app on phone
Users from outside the U.S. can message ChatGPT on WhatsApp at 1-800-242-8478. Image: Solen Feyissa / Unsplash.

As part of the company's "ship-mas" campaign, OpenAI has recently introduced a new feature allowing users to call or message ChatGPT directly over the phone or WhatsApp.

By dialing 1-800-CHATGPT, U.S. users can directly call ChatGPT using phones for up to 15 minutes per month, free of charge. Users from outside the U.S. can message ChatGPT on WhatsApp at 1-800-242-8478.

Developed in just a few weeks, the feature leverages OpenAI's Realtime API for the phone feature and integrates GPT-4o mini through WhatsApp's API for messaging. Each phone number is limited to 15 minutes of free interaction per month.

ChatGPT phone call demo during a livestream
ChatGPT phone call demo during a livestream. Image: OpenAI / YouTube.

During a livestream, Kevin Weil, OpenAI's Chief product officer described the initiative as aimed at making ChatGPT "more accessible for everyone". OpenAI describes this feature as a simplified introduction to artificial intelligence, offering a cost-effective and user-friendly alternative to the more robust web-based ChatGPT experience.


You can now call and message ChatGPT with this number

ChatGPT app on phone
Users from outside the U.S. can message ChatGPT on WhatsApp at 1-800-242-8478. Image: Solen Feyissa / Unsplash.

As part of the company's "ship-mas" campaign, OpenAI has recently introduced a new feature allowing users to call or message ChatGPT directly over the phone or WhatsApp.

By dialing 1-800-CHATGPT, U.S. users can directly call ChatGPT using phones for up to 15 minutes per month, free of charge. Users from outside the U.S. can message ChatGPT on WhatsApp at 1-800-242-8478.

Developed in just a few weeks, the feature leverages OpenAI's Realtime API for the phone feature and integrates GPT-4o mini through WhatsApp's API for messaging. Each phone number is limited to 15 minutes of free interaction per month.

ChatGPT phone call demo during a livestream
ChatGPT phone call demo during a livestream. Image: OpenAI / YouTube.

During a livestream, Kevin Weil, OpenAI's Chief product officer described the initiative as aimed at making ChatGPT "more accessible for everyone". OpenAI describes this feature as a simplified introduction to artificial intelligence, offering a cost-effective and user-friendly alternative to the more robust web-based ChatGPT experience.


সংহতির অভাব সরকারের সংস্কার প্রচেষ্টার গুরুত্বপূর্ণ চ্যালেঞ্জ: নাহিদ

সংহতির অভাব সরকারের সংস্কার প্রচেষ্টার একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ চ্যালেঞ্জ হয়ে দাঁড়িয়েছে বলে বাসসকে জানিয়েছেন তথ্য ও সম্প্রচার মন্ত্রণালয়ের উপদেষ্টা মো. নাহিদ ইসলাম।

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