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Cylinder blasts at RCC function, 4 hurt

A gas cylinder exploded at the annual sports day programme of Rajshahi Cadet College (RCC) today injuring four people in Charghat upazila of the district.

The injured were as RCC staffs Waheduzzaman, 30, Monjur Rahman, 28, and Robiul Islam, 45, and Selim Hossein, 40, our local correspondent reports.

The incident took place around 8:30am, said Hedayetun Nabi, acting principal of the cadet college. “Two balloon sellers were hired for the annual sports day programme.”

It was one of the gas cylinders of those balloon sellers that exploded during the programme. The injured were whisked off to Rajshahi Medical College Hospital.


Cylinder blasts at RCC function, 4 hurt

A gas cylinder exploded at the annual sports day programme of Rajshahi Cadet College (RCC) today injuring four people in Charghat upazila of the district.

The injured were as RCC staffs Waheduzzaman, 30, Monjur Rahman, 28, and Robiul Islam, 45, and Selim Hossein, 40, our local correspondent reports.

The incident took place around 8:30am, said Hedayetun Nabi, acting principal of the cadet college. “Two balloon sellers were hired for the annual sports day programme.”

It was one of the gas cylinders of those balloon sellers that exploded during the programme. The injured were whisked off to Rajshahi Medical College Hospital.


আওয়ামী লীগ দেশ বেচেও তিস্তার এক ফোঁটা পানি আনতে পারেনি: ফখরুল

আওয়ামী লীগ দেশ বেচেও তিস্তার এক ফোঁটা পানি আনতে পারেনি বলে মন্তব্য করেছেন বিএনপি মহাসচিব মির্জা ফখরুল ইসলাম আলমগীর।

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