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Twist your tongue today!

“Pakhi Paka Pepe khay” “She sells seashells by the sea shore”

The International Tongue Twister Day is upon us and to celebrate this day why not throw some tongue twisters at your friends or colleagues and leave them speechless?

Not only are tongue twisters fun to say and fun to hear people say them, it seems they are also a great way to practice and improve pronunciation, reports abc news.

Why not start with the most difficult tongue twister in English language?

"Pad kid poured curd pulled cod."

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found this particular combination of words may be the most difficult tongue twister in the English language, tripping up volunteers so badly that some stopped talking all together, reports

The Daily Star has put together a list of Tongue Twisters in both Bangla and English to celebrate this day.  See if you can say them without tripping! 


Twist your tongue today!

“Pakhi Paka Pepe khay” “She sells seashells by the sea shore”

The International Tongue Twister Day is upon us and to celebrate this day why not throw some tongue twisters at your friends or colleagues and leave them speechless?

Not only are tongue twisters fun to say and fun to hear people say them, it seems they are also a great way to practice and improve pronunciation, reports abc news.

Why not start with the most difficult tongue twister in English language?

"Pad kid poured curd pulled cod."

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found this particular combination of words may be the most difficult tongue twister in the English language, tripping up volunteers so badly that some stopped talking all together, reports

The Daily Star has put together a list of Tongue Twisters in both Bangla and English to celebrate this day.  See if you can say them without tripping! 


হোয়াইট হাউসে প্রেসিডেন্ট ট্রাম্প। ছবি: এএফপি

ট্রাম্পের জন্মসূত্রে নাগরিকত্ব বাতিলের উদ্যোগে যত আইনি জটিলতা

এসব মামলার মূল অভিযোগ, ট্রাম্পের সোমবারের নির্বাহী আদেশ মার্কিন সংবিধানের চতুর্দশ সংশোধনীকে ক্ষুণ্ণ করে। এই সংশোধনীর মাধ্যমে যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের জন্ম নেওয়া সব শিশু দেশটির নাগরিকত্বের অধিকার পায়।  

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