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5 devastating cyclones in Bangladesh

Bangladesh, the delta country, has been in the line of a few devastating tropical cyclones. In their trail, the cyclones have left behind complete chaos, death and despair. As the country learns to adapt and respond to this natural disaster more efficiently, we take a look back at some of the worst tropical cyclones to have hit the country.

1970 Bhola cyclone

Landfall:  November 12, 1970

Casualty: More than 500,000

Affected areas: Chittagong, Barguna, Khepupara, Patuakhali, north of Char Burhanuddin, Char Tazumuddin and south of Maijdi, Haringhata

Damages: More than 400,000 houses and 3,500 educational institutions were destroyed

1991 cyclone

Landfall: April 29, 1991

Casualty: 150,000

Affected areas: Chittagong district of southeastern Bangladesh

Damages: As many as 10 million people became homeless

Cyclone Sidr

Landfall: November 15, 2007

Casualty: Up to 10,000, according to Red Crescent Society

Affected areas: Bagerhat, Barisal, Patuakhali, Pirojpur, Khulna and Satkhira

Damages: Livestock, farms and feeds worth more than Tk 130 crore were destroyed

Cyclone Aila

Landfall: May 25, 2009

Casualty: 190

Affected areas: Southwestern coastal regions of Bangladesh

Damages: 6,000 kilometres of roads damaged,  more than 500,000 people became homeless, complete destruction of 275 primary schools and damage to 1,942 schools

Cyclone Roanu

Landfall: May 21, 2016

Casualty: 26

Most affected areas: Sandwip, Hatia, Kutubdia, Sitakundu and Feni

Damages: Around one lakh houses were damaged and about 150,000 families were affected

Sources: Information taken from various sources including UNICEF and Red Crescent Society

Photos: AFP and file photos


5 devastating cyclones in Bangladesh

Bangladesh, the delta country, has been in the line of a few devastating tropical cyclones. In their trail, the cyclones have left behind complete chaos, death and despair. As the country learns to adapt and respond to this natural disaster more efficiently, we take a look back at some of the worst tropical cyclones to have hit the country.

1970 Bhola cyclone

Landfall:  November 12, 1970

Casualty: More than 500,000

Affected areas: Chittagong, Barguna, Khepupara, Patuakhali, north of Char Burhanuddin, Char Tazumuddin and south of Maijdi, Haringhata

Damages: More than 400,000 houses and 3,500 educational institutions were destroyed

1991 cyclone

Landfall: April 29, 1991

Casualty: 150,000

Affected areas: Chittagong district of southeastern Bangladesh

Damages: As many as 10 million people became homeless

Cyclone Sidr

Landfall: November 15, 2007

Casualty: Up to 10,000, according to Red Crescent Society

Affected areas: Bagerhat, Barisal, Patuakhali, Pirojpur, Khulna and Satkhira

Damages: Livestock, farms and feeds worth more than Tk 130 crore were destroyed

Cyclone Aila

Landfall: May 25, 2009

Casualty: 190

Affected areas: Southwestern coastal regions of Bangladesh

Damages: 6,000 kilometres of roads damaged,  more than 500,000 people became homeless, complete destruction of 275 primary schools and damage to 1,942 schools

Cyclone Roanu

Landfall: May 21, 2016

Casualty: 26

Most affected areas: Sandwip, Hatia, Kutubdia, Sitakundu and Feni

Damages: Around one lakh houses were damaged and about 150,000 families were affected

Sources: Information taken from various sources including UNICEF and Red Crescent Society

Photos: AFP and file photos
