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Tisha, Arifin talk about film Ostitto

Autistic people can’t tell a lie’


Popular stars Arifin Shuvoo and Nusrat Imrose Tisha have joined hands for the first time as a romantic couple in Ostitto, a film that would hit the theatres across the country on Friday.

Directed by Anonno Mamun, the film centres on an affair between autistic Tisha and her teacher Arifin.

While talking to The Daily Star, the two stars said that a bulk of shooting took place in an autistic school. Many characters in the film are autistic students of the school.

“Autistic people can’t tell a lie,” said Arifin describing his experience of the shooting. “As we spent a lot of time with them, we became a part of them,” he said.

“I had to study the autistic students for my role,” said Tisha. “This is completely a new experience for me,” she added.



Tisha, Arifin talk about film Ostitto

Autistic people can’t tell a lie’


Popular stars Arifin Shuvoo and Nusrat Imrose Tisha have joined hands for the first time as a romantic couple in Ostitto, a film that would hit the theatres across the country on Friday.

Directed by Anonno Mamun, the film centres on an affair between autistic Tisha and her teacher Arifin.

While talking to The Daily Star, the two stars said that a bulk of shooting took place in an autistic school. Many characters in the film are autistic students of the school.

“Autistic people can’t tell a lie,” said Arifin describing his experience of the shooting. “As we spent a lot of time with them, we became a part of them,” he said.

“I had to study the autistic students for my role,” said Tisha. “This is completely a new experience for me,” she added.



আওয়ামী লীগ দেশ বেচেও তিস্তার এক ফোঁটা পানি আনতে পারেনি: ফখরুল

আওয়ামী লীগ দেশ বেচেও তিস্তার এক ফোঁটা পানি আনতে পারেনি বলে মন্তব্য করেছেন বিএনপি মহাসচিব মির্জা ফখরুল ইসলাম আলমগীর।

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