
Guinness record set for most hamburgers eaten in a minute

A 24-year-old Filipino has recently managed to set a new Guinness World Record by eating the most number of hamburgers in just one minute.

Ricardo 'Rix Terabite' Francisco gobbled down as many as five 107-gram patties in only 60 seconds to win the title, reports NDTV.

A video, shared on Guinness World Records YouTube channel, shows Mr Francisco in action. Fair warning, you may not want to watch this video after you've just finished eating. Since being shared on March 30, the video has received over 56,000 views and counting.

The hamburger eating contest was held at Zark's burgers in Pasay City, Metro Manila, Philippines. The joint is well-known locally for their eating contests but decided to up their game by attempting a world record. They invited 10 of their best competitive eaters to try their hand at the title.

The rules for the contest were simple. Participants were only allowed to eat one burger at a time. They could use one hand to hold the burger and the other to hold a glass of water. Dunking was not permissible in the challenge. Additionally, participants could use only one condiment on the burgers.

Eventually Mr Francisco defeated Kelvin 'Zarkman' Medina to win the title.Medina holds a record for finishing a 12 inch pizza in just 23.62 seconds.

The record for most hamburgers eaten in a minute was previously held by Peter Czerwinski, also known as 'Furious Pete'. He ate four hamburgers in a minute.

Japan's Takeru Kobayashi holds the record for eating the most number of hamburgers in three minutes. He ate 12 in the stipulated duration.


Guinness record set for most hamburgers eaten in a minute

A 24-year-old Filipino has recently managed to set a new Guinness World Record by eating the most number of hamburgers in just one minute.

Ricardo 'Rix Terabite' Francisco gobbled down as many as five 107-gram patties in only 60 seconds to win the title, reports NDTV.

A video, shared on Guinness World Records YouTube channel, shows Mr Francisco in action. Fair warning, you may not want to watch this video after you've just finished eating. Since being shared on March 30, the video has received over 56,000 views and counting.

The hamburger eating contest was held at Zark's burgers in Pasay City, Metro Manila, Philippines. The joint is well-known locally for their eating contests but decided to up their game by attempting a world record. They invited 10 of their best competitive eaters to try their hand at the title.

The rules for the contest were simple. Participants were only allowed to eat one burger at a time. They could use one hand to hold the burger and the other to hold a glass of water. Dunking was not permissible in the challenge. Additionally, participants could use only one condiment on the burgers.

Eventually Mr Francisco defeated Kelvin 'Zarkman' Medina to win the title.Medina holds a record for finishing a 12 inch pizza in just 23.62 seconds.

The record for most hamburgers eaten in a minute was previously held by Peter Czerwinski, also known as 'Furious Pete'. He ate four hamburgers in a minute.

Japan's Takeru Kobayashi holds the record for eating the most number of hamburgers in three minutes. He ate 12 in the stipulated duration.


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