
London police probe Brexit Party’s election fraud claims

Protestors argue in parliament square in London, Monday, Sept. 9, 2019. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson voiced optimism Monday that a new Brexit deal can be reached so Britain leaves the European Union by Oct. 31. Photo: AP /Frank Augstein

London’s Metropolitan police said they were investigating allegations that Brexit Party candidates were offered jobs or peerages if they would agree not to run against Conservative candidates in next month’s election.

Candidate Ann Widdecombe told the BBC she had been offered a role in the next stage of Brexit negotiations if she would step aside.

Party leader Nigel Farage alleges that people working for Conservative Prime Minister Boris Johnson told senior party members they could be made peers if they could persuade him to withdraw more of his candidates.

The Conservatives want Brexit Party candidates to stand aside to avoid splitting the pro-Brexit vote.

Police said today they were investigating “two allegations of electoral fraud and malpractice.’’


London police probe Brexit Party’s election fraud claims

Protestors argue in parliament square in London, Monday, Sept. 9, 2019. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson voiced optimism Monday that a new Brexit deal can be reached so Britain leaves the European Union by Oct. 31. Photo: AP /Frank Augstein

London’s Metropolitan police said they were investigating allegations that Brexit Party candidates were offered jobs or peerages if they would agree not to run against Conservative candidates in next month’s election.

Candidate Ann Widdecombe told the BBC she had been offered a role in the next stage of Brexit negotiations if she would step aside.

Party leader Nigel Farage alleges that people working for Conservative Prime Minister Boris Johnson told senior party members they could be made peers if they could persuade him to withdraw more of his candidates.

The Conservatives want Brexit Party candidates to stand aside to avoid splitting the pro-Brexit vote.

Police said today they were investigating “two allegations of electoral fraud and malpractice.’’


জিডিপি প্রথমবারের মতো ৫০০ বিলিয়ন ডলার ছাড়িয়ে যেতে পারে

প্রাক্কলন অনুসারে, আগামী অর্থবছরে চলতি মূল্যে জিডিপি ৫১৭ দশমিক ৭ বিলিয়ন ডলারে (৬৩ লাখ ১৫ হাজার ৯২৩ কোটি টাকা) পৌঁছাবে।

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