
Bhabna reflects on being a writer

Photo: Sheikh Mehedi Morshed

Actor, dancer and a writer, Ashna Habib Bhabna, is often struck by the little things of everyday life. Aspiring to tell the stories that affect her so deeply, Bhabna recently published a book titled Tara in this year's Ekushey Boi Mela. In an interview with The Daily Star, she talks about her new book, and other projects.


Tell us about your book.

My book Tara is about a young girl named Tara, who happens to be very gullible. It is published by Tamralipi Prokashoni. As a writer, I want to tell the stories of many Taras living in our society. Even my last book, Gulnehar, had a plot centred around a female protagonist.


How do you juggle between writing, acting and dancing?

I am very selective when it comes to work. I believe that being swamped with work does not help an artiste produce good work. I take breaks often and do the things I love. Writing is one of them.


Do you think it is important for more women to tell their stories through books?

I think a woman author's narratives pertaining to the struggles of women will be different than that of a male perspective. The narratives, hence, should come from women.


Which do you enjoy more, writing or acting?

I have always loved acting. However, I really enjoy picturing stories in my mind. I am in my own little bubble at those times. Sitting in my car, while going to work, I often notice the women outside, fighting with thousands of stares hurled at them. These incidents inspire me to write more, and I absolutely enjoy it. I remember when I finished writing Tara, I felt a void inside me. I was so attached to the character that it made me cry.


Are you planning to publish another book any time soon?

I am currently working on a new book called My Funny Aunty, releasing on next year's Ekushey Boi Mela.


Bhabna reflects on being a writer

Photo: Sheikh Mehedi Morshed

Actor, dancer and a writer, Ashna Habib Bhabna, is often struck by the little things of everyday life. Aspiring to tell the stories that affect her so deeply, Bhabna recently published a book titled Tara in this year's Ekushey Boi Mela. In an interview with The Daily Star, she talks about her new book, and other projects.


Tell us about your book.

My book Tara is about a young girl named Tara, who happens to be very gullible. It is published by Tamralipi Prokashoni. As a writer, I want to tell the stories of many Taras living in our society. Even my last book, Gulnehar, had a plot centred around a female protagonist.


How do you juggle between writing, acting and dancing?

I am very selective when it comes to work. I believe that being swamped with work does not help an artiste produce good work. I take breaks often and do the things I love. Writing is one of them.


Do you think it is important for more women to tell their stories through books?

I think a woman author's narratives pertaining to the struggles of women will be different than that of a male perspective. The narratives, hence, should come from women.


Which do you enjoy more, writing or acting?

I have always loved acting. However, I really enjoy picturing stories in my mind. I am in my own little bubble at those times. Sitting in my car, while going to work, I often notice the women outside, fighting with thousands of stares hurled at them. These incidents inspire me to write more, and I absolutely enjoy it. I remember when I finished writing Tara, I felt a void inside me. I was so attached to the character that it made me cry.


Are you planning to publish another book any time soon?

I am currently working on a new book called My Funny Aunty, releasing on next year's Ekushey Boi Mela.


উত্তরের চার জেলায় এক বছরে তামাক চাষ বেড়েছে ৪৪ শতাংশ

রংপুর অঞ্চলের উৎপাদিত তামাকের ৬০ শতাংশ আসে লালমনিরহাট থেকে। এর পরই রয়েছে রংপুর। এই জেলা থেকে আসে ২০ শতাংশ তামাক। নীলফামারীতে ১৫ শতাংশ আর ৫ শতাংশ গাইবান্ধায়। দেশি-বিদেশি কয়েকটি তামাক কোম্পানি এই...
