Deeparghya Dutta Barua

Nuanced, Colourful and Memorable

Star vs. the Forces of Evil, crudely abbreviated as SvtFoE, is the most recent major Disney show that met its conclusion last May after airing for four seasons. As regrettably cheesy as the name sounds, the show did hold a memorable place in Disney’s arsenal of mostly forgettable shows.

4y ago

Saiki K Doing anime humour the right way

The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. is a gag anime developed by J.C. Staff that ended last year after spanning two seasons and a special

4y ago


It has been raining for five days now. It would have been a cliché to start the narrative with rain but the layers of sparkling paint oozing through the unearthly atmosphere is a bit of a hiccup to get used to.

5y ago

Petscop: The game that never existed

With tons of content relating to conspiracy theories meandering through YouTube’s algorithm, one would be tired from binging through all the questionable and sometimes dubious stuff that float around your suggested videos.

5y ago

Into the realm of Japanese indie music

As opposed to the staggering popularity of anime and weird commercials, Japan has a fairly active indie music scene. While some of the artists might still be hard to access outside of Japan, artists that don't really abide by the conventions of major music labels have started to welcome the global audience.

5y ago


It was a night in the year 2043, none of us owned flying cars or anything that the old-timers had predicted. If anything, the progress mankind had made were pointless 16K displays and small advances towards psychologically punitive justice.

5y ago

The Fault in Our T-shirts

There's one thing that doesn't require an introduction, the most booming business industry among college students. It's the college merchandise industry.

5y ago

The World of Makoto Shinkai

Makoto Shinkai, often dubbed as the new Miyazaki of Japanese animation, has put out a fair amount of work in his 20-year long career. Here's a review on the animator's career as he is possibly busy arranging more trains for his upcoming film.

5y ago
December 20, 2018
December 20, 2018

YouTube animation on the rise

Having grounded its roots in the early 2000s, the web animation phenomenon has managed to excavate its way through the endless arcade of web content.

December 13, 2018
December 13, 2018

Discovering music

One of the laziest arguments on the internet, often followed by a humble request to like the opinion, would be “Real music is dead”, which can be found under any average music video of an early 2000s post-grunge song.

December 13, 2018
December 13, 2018

Types of people in a group chat

There are certain things in life that are unavoidable: your mid-life crisis, incessant complaints from your parents on your smartphone usage, and logging into your default messenger app to find out that you've been added to another unwanted and pointless group conversation.

December 6, 2018
December 6, 2018

How to make your own cartoon network reboot

While cleaning up your room, you might've stumbled upon a rugged cardboard box lately which had all of your drawings of wireframe cats from second grade that seem no different from Julian Marley's wig.

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