Dr Firdous Quader Minu

M.B.B.S, D.L.O ENT, Head-Neck & Cosmetic Surgeon, Phone: 01199845531

Understanding the difference between dengue, flu, and COVID-19

With the onset of monsoon, torrential rains, and extreme hot weather, it looks like different viral diseases are making their rounds.

1y ago

Symptoms of COVID-19: Loss of smell and taste

When the virus first hit us, there was a lot that we did not know about its signs and symptoms, but we are now more aware. A lot of people have asked me if loss/change in the sense of smell and taste is part of COVID-19 symptoms.

3y ago

Health tips for winter

Although it’s not very cold in the big cities, the temperature has already gone down in the countryside. But wherever we are located, there is a change in the overall atmosphere, and this affects all of us in different ways.

4y ago

Ear wax

The seemingly benign ear wax may feel like an unusual topic for discussion, but years of working as an ENT consultant has made me realise that there are a lot of misconceptions about it out there. It is time to debunk some of them.

4y ago

Know your headaches

Perhaps, there is no persons in the world who has not suffered from headaches once in a while. Frustrating as it may be, patients need not worry as most headaches are manageable, and should not be as physically disruptive as they sometimes turn out to be.

5y ago

Reminiscing life

The most important factor to keep in mind on these long, hot, humid days is to stay well hydrated. We lose a lot of water and electrolytes as we sweat. Also, as some of us use air conditioners a lot, there will also be dryness of skin.

5y ago

Common nasal disorders

The nose is the first part of the respiratory system, and plays an important role in the function of the olfactory senses.

5y ago

Pre Wedding Aesthetic Preps

Winter is on its way and along with it comes the wedding season. Although now it seems there is no proper wedding season anymore as weddings take place all year through, and are as elaborately celebrated as ever.

5y ago
April 17, 2018
April 17, 2018

A word about nasal congestion

Imagine a face, and the nose is probably its most prominent feature. The dimensions of the nose are often a big part of how you look. Its myriad shapes also reveal our race and ethnicity.

February 6, 2018
February 6, 2018

Ears and Q-tips

Quite often, we see people using Q-tips, or 'cottonbuds' as we call them, to clean or remove wax from the ears. Although it is common

January 2, 2018
January 2, 2018

Of tonsils and adenoids

As an ENT specialist, tonsillitis is one of the most common ailments that I treat in my chamber. It is also one of the most common topics on which everybody, regardless of profession, education or background, has many theories and opinions on. So, before the patient ends up in a doctor's chamber they have been treated many times. The same thing happens with children suffering from enlarged adenoids. Too many myths, stories and theories are out there to prevent proper treatment.

October 17, 2017
October 17, 2017

A word about hair

Hair is part of the tough outer protective layer of our body, which also includes exocrine glands, skin, and nails. It serves multiple functions like protection, temperature regulation, facilitation of evaporation of perspiration, and also as a sense organ.

October 3, 2017
October 3, 2017

Understanding dementia

Dementia is one of the newest medical terms added to the parlance as the number of people suffering from the ailment are ever increasing.

September 12, 2017
September 12, 2017

Ear infections

The most common ailment that I witness in the OPD nowadays is the itchy ears with discharge.

June 13, 2017
June 13, 2017

Rejuvenation of the face

Whenever the word rejuvenation comes along we think of someone elderly with wrinkled skin, but that is not necessarily true.

May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017

Ensuring safety measures while piercing the body

It has been in fashion for a long time, and body piercing in Bangladesh is now more popular than ever. While in the past we were accustomed seeing people with earrings and nose-pins, youngsters now also flaunt their pierced eye-brows, lips, and tongues. Pierced nipples and genitalia are also not unheard of.

February 7, 2017
February 7, 2017

Feeling the Burn: Treatment Tips

Burns are one of the most common household injuries, especially among children in this season.

November 22, 2016
November 22, 2016

Snoring and sleep apnoea to be taken seriously

Recently, we have had patients who are on the verge of a legal separation due to the extent of their partner's snoring. Setting aside the mental anxiety, snoring is a telltale sign of some problems, and can be the cause for other serious health concerns.