Rejuvenation of the face
Some young people are not aware of how to take care of themselves, and some don't realise the damage done until it is too late. So whatever the reason we have to know what to do and when to do it. And if the damage is done how we can try to repair it. Looking good is a very important part of the world we live in. A clean pleasant face usually tells of a confident person.
We should remember to clean, moisturise, and use a toner every day before going to bed. By the time we are young adults we all kind of know our skin type, so all our skin products should be suitable for that type of skin. We should all use sunscreen before going out. Excessive exposure to sun can cause sun burn, pigmentation on face and also roughness of skin. Once we have unwanted pigmentation it keeps on increasing and turns into patches. It is very important to start treatment for pigmentation early, as the results are definitely better. A person as young as 25 years can start developing pigmentation depending on type of skin. The sooner you start the more it will remain under control.
Freckles don't always look good and can be treated with lasers to get clean results. Also sometimes we can see warty skin tags on neck area which look odd, if nothing. These are usually viral warts treated very easily with lasers.
If you have any scars which look bad, the situation can be improved with scar revision surgery, which is safe. It has to be remembered that not all scars will disappear totally but can definitely be made more pleasant looking. Also moles which are not pleasant can always be excised with minimum scarring, even those that have hair on it.
We also see young people with early wrinkles on forehead, around the eyes etc. This usually happens to very expressive people, who use their facial muscles a lot. At one stage these wrinkles look out of place for a young person. This is easily solved by Botox injection. It is a very popular procedure used to reduce wrinkles, and is quite safe. It takes very little time and is usually done as an office procedure.
Some wrinkles which are very deep, creating a wedge like deformity are dealt with differently, with fillers. These are used by injecting under the depression to elevate the area. Fillers can also be used on wrinkles surrounding the lips.
Hair is also a very important part of our appearance. If you have hair fall try to treat it as soon as possible, especially for guys who have genetic alopecia. You also might need to consult an expert soon, before you lose your frontal hair. Medical as well surgical procedures are available, which are very safe and successful. For women who have unwanted hair on their face, laser treatment for removal can be done easily.
Other procedures like rhinoplasty, or a nose job, mini face lift, removal of baggy eyelids etc can also be considered for those who need it. All of these treatments are available here in Bangladesh now.
Photo: LS Archive/Sazzad Ibne Sayed