Endy Bayuni

The writer is editor-in-chief of The Jakarta Post, Indonesia. This is a part of a series of columns by editors from the ANN and published in member newspapers across the region.

Is the US electoral democracy showing signs of failure or fatigue?

Authoritarian regimes and dictators around the world must feel vindicated by the just concluded presidential race in the United States, the one-time champion of liberal democracy that had the habit of exporting, if not imposing, its political system and the accompanying values to the rest of the world.

7y ago

ASEAN has 'One China policy' in the South China Sea

ASEAN needed to show a semblance of unity more than ever now, and their common statement on the South China Sea raises some hopes that the group can still pull off an important stunt like this at a time when most observers had given up hope.

7y ago
November 18, 2016
November 18, 2016

Is the US electoral democracy showing signs of failure or fatigue?

Authoritarian regimes and dictators around the world must feel vindicated by the just concluded presidential race in the United States, the one-time champion of liberal democracy that had the habit of exporting, if not imposing, its political system and the accompanying values to the rest of the world.

July 30, 2016
July 30, 2016

ASEAN has 'One China policy' in the South China Sea

ASEAN needed to show a semblance of unity more than ever now, and their common statement on the South China Sea raises some hopes that the group can still pull off an important stunt like this at a time when most observers had given up hope.

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