Handmade bicycles right here in Bangladesh

Despite coming from a civil engineering background, Md Abu Noman Shaikat found himself at the helm of Bikesmith, a bicycle enterprise where anyone can get a two-wheeler made according to their desired specifications.

3y ago

A women-only hostel where safety comes first

The state of gender relations in Bangladesh stands at such a precarious position that the lived experience of all women, across any strata, is filled with fear, anxiety, and even paranoia.

3y ago

Youngsters return to nets

Players and coaches are returning to the practice nets, and getting back into their previous schedules.

3y ago

No clicks and clatter at photocopy centres

In the crunch of the pandemic, when academic institutions and many physical workplaces are closed, these small businesses are gradually sliding into a state of deep crisis.

4y ago

A surgeon of film cameras

In this era of digital photography, we’ve almost forgotten about the time when the art form required much more tedious work. In fact, with the old 35mm film cameras, the whole process of taking a photo and getting to see how it came out, could take days. All that can be achieved in a matter of seconds now.

4y ago

The Dos and Don’ts of a Video Call

It’s another week of social distancing, and almost all of us are having to work or study from our homes. That being said, it’s important to know what you should and shouldn’t do when you find yourself in a video call. Here are some tips to help you out.

4y ago

Heading East

The gunfire had ceased, the agonising cries could no longer be heard. The streets of Dhaka went silent after a night that many had thought would outlast eternity itself. Karim left his residence in Mohakhali and headed towards his hometown in Daudkandi to meet up with his family.

4y ago

Is Dropping a Semester Worth It?

A decision that comes with its benefits as well as repercussions.

4y ago
September 6, 2018
September 6, 2018

Climbing the ranks of your University Club

There will be a lot of clubs to choose from at your university. It will eventually come down to your preference and interest. Once your mind is set to join a club, you don't hesitate to sign up for it and eagerly await for the recruitment to start.

August 30, 2018
August 30, 2018

Common university pet peeves

University isn't really the bed of roses we all thought of back in our school days. It's a lot tougher and has more work load. As if things weren't difficult enough for university students, you have these annoying people and situations to deal with that is bound to get your gears grinding.

August 30, 2018
August 30, 2018

Types of people you encounter in a panic situation

Whether you're giving an exam with no preparation or you're stuck inside a lift on the fifteenth floor, panicking is inevitable. It is human nature to feel the dismay whenever one is stuck in such situations. Under such circumstances, you'll come face to face with people who react to the impending problems each in their own way.

August 30, 2018
August 30, 2018

Freelancing - A Better Alternative to Your 9 to 5 Job?

Can you reap more from the former compared to the latter?

August 16, 2018
August 16, 2018

Marketing Lessons to Learn From Cow Salesmen

With Eid-ul-Azha upon us, it's time for Cow Marketing 101.

August 9, 2018
August 9, 2018

Unexpected Moments of Happiness You Get as a University Student

These moments are usually rare, but worth it.

August 2, 2018
August 2, 2018

Why the closest friends may not be the best teammates

With competitions or group projects limiting the number of members a team can have, the first decision you have to make and the problem you have to face is deciding who gets into the team and who doesn't.

August 2, 2018
August 2, 2018

How to get the best out of online courses and tutorials

The internet has blessed us with different online learning platforms where one can have the access to vast amount of resource materials to enhance their knowledge and to help them develop new skills.

July 26, 2018
July 26, 2018

Alternative Compensations

Whether it's an unpaid internship or just the usual work as a freelancer, people who use such impractical forms of payment or honorarium, always manage to get to our nerves thanks to their weird belief that hard working people will be fine with receiving just the exposure and experience.

July 19, 2018
July 19, 2018

Awkward situations you don't want to be found in

Circumstances will often get you into awkward situations you never wanted to be in. At times, it's not just the awkward moments that bother you, it's the people around you who witness the awkwardness unfolding that makes you question your very existence at those particular moments.