Iris Farina

Small businesses during COVID-19: Sink or Swim?

In 1996, Nandan Children’s Fashion had set out to change the scene with readymade stylish children’s wear that did not burn a hole in the wallet. With options for various sizes and exclusive designs, the name Nandan has been essential for those looking for a set of trendy children’s clothes.

4y ago

In cheese we trust!

The block of dairy goodness known as cheese is a delight in every way for the foodie. Sliced, shredded, melted or just nibbled on its own; there is no end to the possible combinations of enjoying cheese.

4y ago

Week2: Getting into the flow

With roughly two-third of Ramadan ahead, it’s the perfect time to do some essential tidying up and have a look at the things you have or need to buy. There is nothing worse than leaving things for the last week and ending up with a hodgepodge of activities.

4y ago

5 things to help your mind in trying times

The Covid-19 pandemic is changing the world as we know it, and every day is becoming more difficult than the last one. The uncertainty and the change ensuing from it have simply crept up in a short amount of time, and are truly too much to take on for anyone.

4y ago

In the right state of being

The year 2020 is not shaping out to be in the world that we wanted — within just three months of the year, it has been one soul-shaking wakeup call after another, environmentally, politically, and health hazard-wise.

4y ago

Vanishing boundaries of digital privacy

Your only recollection is that a few days ago, you had exchanged a text with your friend about getting together for a quick morning chat. From that single exchange of information, the ever-helpful and always-listening ubiquitous virtual assistant has set up a new routine, without giving away much to let you know of the steps it has taken.

4y ago

The food franchise story

You don’t need to have a marketing degree to understand why an international food franchise will work (or slump in cases). Pricing, food quality, placement, delivery services, and above all — the voice of the people, are all it takes. After all, novelties wear off over time, but the great food always remains, be it a local eatery or a multi-storeyed, high-tech food place!

4y ago

Meet Bangladesh

It was not that long ago when travelling just meant going to one’s ancestral homes. Then again, there were not many options available for families or friends during the long stretch of Eid and Puja holidays. The denizens of the upper echelon had the opportunity to go overseas, but even they were a handful in number.

4y ago
July 3, 2018
July 3, 2018

A blue glazed in white

Home decor magazines may have their blazing trends that burn off last season's peak, but there is one that never leaves the pages- the eternal blue-white porcelain. From the tiniest floral or animal shaped palm-sized pieces to gargantuan vases that top over an adult's head and all that is in between- this time defining colour style is immensely popular among the pottery lovers of the world.

July 3, 2018
July 3, 2018

The true hues of monsoon

The end of summer has passed, and grey clouds are coming and going in their own rhythm. While global warming has made the weather more unpredictable than usual, the presence of the rainy season has not changed. Are you planning to go with a particular shade of the clear summer skies to overthrow the rainy gloom? Think again, for blue is really not the only shade of monsoon!

July 3, 2018
July 3, 2018

An urban plea to the Rainmaker

Whoever says they like summer in this part of the world may have had a past life in the Antarctic. The scorching summer sun is like the scornful eye of an angry individual, just staring down the earth-bound minions into total submission. Thank heavens when the Rainmaker decides to put a halt to this! The first pitter-patter of water drops from the sky are heralds of the coming season; as they evaporate on the heated streets, the message is more than received!

May 15, 2018
May 15, 2018

Jute as a lifestyle product

Modern fashion and living are ascending the steps to embrace the senses, while providing the people with a platform of expression. The issue of sustainability and eco-friendliness are now highlighted more than ever; fashion and living too are now addressing these concerns.

May 13, 2018
May 13, 2018

From pavement to a better life

Marketing campaigns have seeped so deep into our lives that we cannot think of anything without the material side.

May 1, 2018
May 1, 2018

No rest for the homemakers

Around the world, the first of May holds cultural significance as well as the universal context of being the International Workers' Day. You may not need a refresher on the historical background but on this day, today, just about every place you know around town, is shut. This is not a holiday where you can hang around in markets or hit your favourite restaurant-- everyone has a day off.

April 17, 2018
April 17, 2018

The wishlist for our heritage

For any sovereign country, people hold the identity of the place, as well as the many defining practices that build its fabric of culture and tradition. Yet, somewhere along the line, maybe simply with the passage of time, or due to the dark side of globalisation, many of the heritage defining aspects disappear or worse, become convoluted beyond acceptance.

April 17, 2018
April 17, 2018

Tracing the path of Odrishho Rongin Osru

It's not every day that you would sit with a book of poetry, the cosmopolitan hustle and bustle has robbed us of a variety of quiet pleasures. We want things is 'twenty-words-or-less' to accommodate our shrinking attention span. Yet, the tired souls need that missing element to be human. Odrishho Rongin Osru (Colours of Invisible tears) may be that bridging element, if not more.

April 17, 2018
April 17, 2018

The clay that spoke of 'shokh'

Every Baishakh sees a spike in the sales of earthenware, particularly for 'shora' (convex earthen plates) and 'hari' (clay cooking bowls). As kumars (the potters) are busy with their pottery wheel and the kilns are burning day and night to compete with spiked seasonal demand; 25 miles north of Rajshahi City, the Pal Para (neighbourhood of potters) at Basantapur is busy with another unique clay creation along with their regular wares.

April 10, 2018
April 10, 2018

Baishakh 1425 with Apex

As the scorching summer approaches, your best light wear is already out and you are preparing to welcome Baishakh. Just as your wardrobe is fashionably light and festive, your footwear too has to match the mood! No worries on that front though; Apex has a trendy, fashionable lineup for the fashion forward as well as those who are looking to match tradition with comfort.