Ishtiaq Ahmed

The rebels of Madhusudan

Neeldhaja is the first Bangla poem to be written in the form of a letter; it places a female figure with a rebellious demeanor as the protagonist of a historical narrative.

1y ago

Motijheel Madness

You walk barefoot or wear expensive shoes on the streets of Motijheel.

5y ago

Towards a better, balanced metropolis

If you look hard at a map of Dhaka city, you may notice a striking similarity with the side profile of a human face. The more you focus, the more you will notice that Uttara resembles the forehead, Mirpur resembles the eyes, Tongi resembles the scalp, Gabtoli resembles the nose, Motijheel resembles the mouth and Keraniganj resembles the throat.

5y ago

How to Travel Like a Pro

If there's any thread that connects all the people on this planet irrespective of their nationality, race or culture – it's their keen interest to travel the world.

7y ago

Spoonful Metropolis, Ginger Memories

The train arrived late than the scheduled time, almost two hours late. My head was involuntarily swirling. I was half-asleep-half-awake, I regained conscious thought as I was hit on the head by the bulgy swinging purse of a cranky middle-aged woman.

7y ago

Murakami's Kafka on the Shore

When Kafka Tamura runs away from his Tokyo house the day he turns fifteen to escape a strange curse his father set upon him, little does he know his life will end up with so many twists and turns.

8y ago

The Spy who Lives on

It was the summer of 1965. A tall, young man with dark shades in his early 30s got on his motorbike and embarked on a long arduous journey of over 350 kilometers starting from Dhaka and finally arrived at Kaptai...

8y ago


With the advent of flashy tournaments such as the Big Bash or the IPL, cricket, the global sport, has started to attain a new dimension and there has been revolutionary changes as to how the game is being played in a rather short span of time.

8y ago
April 27, 2016
April 27, 2016

The Great East Himalayan Trek

A chilly breeze from the north is freezing us to our very core. The multi-coloured Tibetan prayer flags are fluttering from the strong wind sweeping over the whole plateau

April 21, 2016
April 21, 2016

Maximising Your Goodreads Experience

On a summer afternoon in LA, in 2006, Otis Chandler was browsing his friend's bookshelf where he kept all the books he had read.

April 7, 2016
April 7, 2016

Modern Day Cricket and the Idea of Power Hitting

You look at someone like Jason Roy or Jos Butler and wonder how much the game has evolved over the past few years.

April 4, 2016
April 4, 2016

BUET conquers AZeotropy 2016

Out of the 60 international teams participating in the acclaimed “AZeotropy” symposium arranged by Chemical Engineering association of IIT Bombay, only two teams were able to open that door. One of them was a team from BUET.

January 28, 2016
January 28, 2016

Travelling Abroad in a Budget

The overwhelming desire to see the unseen and know the unknown is latent inside every individual.

December 24, 2015
December 24, 2015

Beginner's Guide to Nonfiction

When we talk about narrative literature, we generally mean fiction. Thrillers, fantasy, detective novels – name anything, and it's

December 17, 2015
December 17, 2015


It's the middle of September, 1971. The location is Shonir Char, an inconspicuous fictional village under Barisal District, Sector 9 of

December 3, 2015
December 3, 2015

Pros and Cons of Reading Media

For a bookworm, the ultimate retreat is to grab a book, lie back in a cosy chair and indulge in the pleasure of reading.

August 20, 2015
August 20, 2015

Aarial Beel & Mawa

The suffocating summer heat taking its toll on you? Stuck at home doing nothing during the long hours of relentless rains?

July 16, 2015
July 16, 2015

Five Places to Go this Summer

The scorching heat of summer is yet to wane off, while monsoon still makes its presence felt with torrential downpours from time to time.