Marina Farook

Tips for sound sleep

Your sleep needs vary widely — total hours required, optimal bedtimes, and ideal wakeup times, these are all dictated by an individual’s physiology, genetics, exercise levels, diet, and age group.

2y ago

Muscle mania: Strength training changes everything

The key lies in your muscles. At rest, 1 pound of muscle burns three times as many calories every day just to sustain itself—and a lot of those calories that muscle burns off come from fat storage units. Muscle is constantly burning fat off!

2y ago
January 11, 2022
January 11, 2022

Tips for sound sleep

Your sleep needs vary widely — total hours required, optimal bedtimes, and ideal wakeup times, these are all dictated by an individual’s physiology, genetics, exercise levels, diet, and age group.

December 7, 2021
December 7, 2021

Muscle mania: Strength training changes everything

The key lies in your muscles. At rest, 1 pound of muscle burns three times as many calories every day just to sustain itself—and a lot of those calories that muscle burns off come from fat storage units. Muscle is constantly burning fat off!