Md. Asadullah Khan

The writer is a columnist of The Daily Star. E-mail:

A city drowned by faulty planning

On the morning of June 12, after just 63mm of rain, the vast areas in the city stretching from Mirpur to Gulistan to Motijheel to Hatkhola to Shantinogor to Rampura, on one side, and from Lalbagh to Karwan Bazaar to Farmgate and Tejgaon, on the other side, went under knee–deep water.

9y ago

Commuting woes

The main reason for road congestion, other than the huge number of rickshaws in most roads, is the number of motorised vehicles - about 7.5 lakhs - plying on the road.

9y ago

Tearing up our soul

In the present scenario, the law puts the burden of proving the guilt on the prosecution. Unfortunately, this well recognised principle of preventing the misuse of power leads to investigators being bribed, witnesses suborned and material facts altered.

9y ago

Tragedy on the high seas

It is undeniably true that the unstable political situation in the country, closure of once vibrant industries like jute, textile, steel, aluminum and glass...

9y ago

Brutal crimes shake society again

The country had become a “soft” state revealing itself to be completely incapable of fighting the forces of violence and terror. True, the patronage of criminals by politicians in the past and a demoralised police force pushed up the crime graph in the country.

9y ago

Poor administration erodes confidence

IF what is happening is any indication, governance at all levels of administration seems to be flawed. With AL in the seat of power, the electorate was yearning for stable governance—a factor seemingly missing long since.

9y ago

Preparedness is the best defence in an earthquake disaster

The Nepal earthquake and aftershocks are definitely a wakeup call for Bangladesh, as the epicentre is gradually moving towards the Northeast of India, within 350 km from Dhaka.

9y ago

The task before the mayors and councillors

WITH potholed roads, contaminated water, choked drains, and garbage littered all over the city, the picture of Dhaka is grim.

9y ago
April 5, 2015
April 5, 2015

Islam does not preach intolerance

IN recent times, an upsurge of extremist movements, zealotry and fanaticism has almost shaken the foundation of our fledgling democracy.

March 29, 2015
March 29, 2015

Green technology is key to sustainable development

Angers that seemed exaggerated and distant even a decade ago -- global warming, ozone depletion, desertification and even

March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015


WITH the Dhaka City Corporation polls schedule just announced, the mayoral and councillor aspirants have come out with a flurry of pledges, which, if implemented, will give Dhaka a dazzling look.

March 10, 2015
March 10, 2015

No time to hibernate

AFTER a brief lull in terrorist bombing and arson attacks, the streets of the capital city and other rural places are again turning to theatres of violence and arson attacks.

February 28, 2015
February 28, 2015

Hartal and oborodh have lost appeal

FOR the last 50 days, pessimism has gripped the citizenry because of the hartal and oborodh enforced by BNP-led alliance.

February 21, 2015
February 21, 2015

Militancy is creeping in ominously

With the BNP-Jamaat allies continuing to enforce blockade and hartal for the 44th day on February 18, the country has descended into deep chaos, uncertainty and unimaginable distress. We have got to be worried and perturbed after witnessing the scale of tragedies, lives lost by burning, destruction and losses inflicted on the economy in a free Bangladesh that we liberated at the cost 3 million lives. Since January 6, the country, from Teknaf to Tetulia, has turned into a theatre of unabated violence and destruction.

February 14, 2015
February 14, 2015

Stop this carnage

LET me start this piece today with a joke that fits in here so perfectly. God created this subcontinent as a wealthy, fertile and prosperous land. The other nations protested about this favouritism. So, God in His infinite wisdom willed the type of governments we have had in this region to balance matters. We have been cursed since then.
