Partha Pratim Bhattacharjee

Post-August 5 politics: BNP, Jamaat drifting apart

The taunts and barbs leave little room for doubt that the 33-year-old ties have soured. Since the fall of Sheikh Hasina’s government on August 5, BNP and Jamaat-e-Islami leaders have differed in private and in public on various issues, including reforms and election timeframe.

6h ago

How Hasina’s flight was kept off radar

When the air force transporter plane carrying Sheikh Hasina left Dhaka on August 5, it took off as a training flight and turned off its transponders to blur its flightpath and location..The transponders, which transmit location, heading

5d ago

Prison breaks: 928 inmates still at large

At least 2,241 inmates, including 88 on death row, fled from prisons before and after the mass uprising but a large number of them are yet to be found.

1w ago

Cops working, not effectively

Police have been largely absent on the ground in the one month since the fall of the Hasina-led government amid a mass uprising, causing safety concerns for the public.

1w ago

How UCB’s Ronny acquired so much offshore assets

As Saifuzzaman Chowdhury Javed’s grip over United Commercial Bank (UCB) created a trail of disguised loans with abuse of political influence after he became a minister in 2019 back home, his brother Anisuzzaman Chowdhury Ronny’s assets saw a meteoric rise in the UK.

2w ago

Revocation of red passports: A new reality for Hasina in India

After the interim government revoked all diplomatic passports yesterday, questions have now arisen as to how long Sheikh Hasina can stay in India and whether she faces a possible extradition.

3w ago

BNP focused on getting thousands of cases withdrawn

The BNP is now focusing on getting the cases against its leaders and activists withdrawn and revamping the party after giving the interim government the time required to create a congenial atmosphere for polls.

1m ago

AL stares at a ‘political death’

Trumpeted as a champion of democracy over the last 15 years by her party colleagues and followers, Sheikh Hasina, 77, has become a pariah overnight.

1m ago
March 23, 2024
March 23, 2024

20 plates of rice, 118 plates of curries for a lunch of 4!

NRBC Bank’s top managers have great appetites. 

March 23, 2024
March 23, 2024

Dubious reward for a select few

Only a select 27 employees of NRBC Bank were given salary hikes, and that too astonishingly, in 2022 in violation of banking rules as well as NRBC’s own human resources policy

March 22, 2024
March 22, 2024

NRBC branch covered up capital flight

Export proceeds worth at least $3.45 million (Tk 34.41 crore) were not repatriated by six customers of NRB Commercial Bank’s Uttara branch, and the bank concealed the trail of the capital flight, according to the bank’s internal audit and case documents.

March 21, 2024
March 21, 2024

Gun in NRBC Bank boardroom

During the 40th board meeting of NRBC Bank on February 7, 2016, current Chairman Tamal Parvez and Director Adnan Imam entered the boardroom accompanied by a man carrying a large gun. Both Tamal and Adnan were board directors back then.

January 29, 2024
January 29, 2024

The unbearable independence!

Almost all independent lawmakers do not want to be independents in the House and they claimed that the notion that they are not part of the Awami League bleeds their hearts.

January 22, 2024
January 22, 2024

Duty cuts on essentials on the cards

The government is considering reducing the value-added tax and supplementary duty on essentials such as edible oil, sugar, and dates in its efforts to keep the prices affordable for Ramadan.

January 19, 2024
January 19, 2024

AL mulls taking ‘boat’ off local body polls

Against the backdrop of post-election infighting between the Awami League candidates and the “AL independents”, the ruling party is now actively considering not fielding candidates with the “boat” symbol in the upcoming local government polls, party insiders said.

January 14, 2024
January 14, 2024

Don’t take up projects that waste money

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina yesterday asked the new ministers not to take up unnecessary projects that waste money and to be cautious while making public comments so as not to stir controversy.

January 9, 2024
January 9, 2024

Who will sit on opposition benches?

With the unofficial results of the 12th national polls out, the question now is what will the opposition in parliament look like.

January 8, 2024
January 8, 2024

Independents see off over a dozen heavyweights

Awami League President Sheikh Hasina’s strategy to make the election look competitive worked well, so much so that over a dozen heavyweights came tumbling down yesterday.

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