Tasfia Ahmed

A newbie’s guide to buying a used car

It is crucial to keep an expert by your side if you want to get the best out of your purchase. Before meeting up with sellers, take a mechanic you trust with you for in-depth checks and test drives.

2y ago

Growing bamboos indoors and around the home

Here are some things to keep in mind if you plan on bringing some bamboo home.

2y ago

Must Watch Films of 2021

Here are some of the must watch films of 2021, from existential animated films to nostalgia-inducing superhero movies.

2y ago

The eco-friendly and versatile tote

Most bags which are utilitarian fall short in the personality component. Nevertheless, practicality does not have to contradict with your fashion sense and jute tote bags are the perfect exemplifications of that.

2y ago

Considering at-home bridal beauty services

Home-based bridal beauty service is one of the many new fads in wedding culture, which has resulted from the pandemic.

2y ago

Decorating your home with dried flowers

Although fresh flowers have the power to brighten up any room, while providing aromatherapy, dried flowers have their own distinct and ethereal beauty.

2y ago

Look out for manipulation tactics and emotional abuse

Although some forms of abuse are easier to detect early on, in a lot of cases, acts of emotional abuse have a tendency to go unnoticed, even by those who fall victim to it.

2y ago

A beginner’s guide to vegetable gardening

You do not necessarily need to live in the countryside to take up vegetable gardening as long as you can provide your plants with ample sunlight. Additionally, if you have ever had an urge to grow your own produce, winter is the perfect time to get started.

2y ago
August 24, 2021
August 24, 2021

Making suitable lighting fixtures for your room

Lighting often becomes an afterthought when we embark on room makeover projects. It has the tendency to be glossed over even though it holds the capacity to be both harmonising and transformative.

August 10, 2021
August 10, 2021

Dissecting ‘business casual’

There are very few oxymorons which are as challenging to demystify as the term ‘business casual.’ Even though we all have vague notions of what this dress code implies, there tends to be a lack of unanimous agreement regarding its exact definition and elements.

August 10, 2021
August 10, 2021

Linen trousers: your wardrobe’s next summer staple

Denim and twill can get too suffocating for Bangladeshi summers. With heat and humidity dominating most months of the year, linen trousers are the perfect solution for your sticky-skin woes.

June 15, 2021
June 15, 2021

Exploring the world of exotic fruits

Most people unfortunately fail to consume the two recommended servings of fruits a day. Even if your daily midday summer treat consists of your favourite fruit,

June 1, 2021
June 1, 2021

Bringing home your first succulent

Succulents can add a lot of personality to any living space while requiring minimal care and maintenance.

May 25, 2021
May 25, 2021

How to make a mini sanctuary for city birds

Due to the dispersed nature pockets and nooks and crannies in concrete buildings,

May 25, 2021
May 25, 2021

5 ways to upgrade and diversify your garden

Ornamental foliage plants can bring in just as much colour to your garden as flowering annuals. Coleuses, triostars and fittonias help add striking

May 18, 2021
May 18, 2021

Five ways to ease into decluttering in 2021

While we are extra cautious about the expiry dates of substances entering our body, we are negligent about the things that touch our skin.

April 13, 2021
April 13, 2021

Litmosphere: An ecosystem for bibliophiles

Those of us who were avid readers as children tend to have similar story arcs with our reading habits. Although we would spend hours buried in books during our younger years, life eventually got in the way.

February 23, 2021
February 23, 2021

KitchenTale: A cloud-based food court centred on innovation

With pizzerias adding Bengali twists to their pans, restaurants focusing on regionally specific strands of international cuisines, along with the advent of specialty bakeries, and cloud platforms designed for home cooks,

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