Train stations in Asia are not just transit points but architectural landmarks blending culture, history, and design. Must-see stations include Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus, Kanazawa Station, Gyeonghwa Station, Hong Kong West Kowloon, and Kuala Lumpur Railway Station.
Navigating one's career path can often feel overwhelming with countless decisions to make and challenges to overcome. Whether you are just starting, looking for a change, or aiming to take your career to the next level, guidance can make a world of difference. Here are 5 popular self-help books that can be a life-changing read.
We are currently habituated to mindlessly scrolling on our phones without even realising that hours have passed since we picked up the device. The following pointers can help you take control of this harmful habit.
Children are a reflection of their parents. Those miniature human beings are like sponges; what you teach them, they will absorb. It is best to shape them into more responsible beings from a young age.
The world has been in unrest for a minute and a half now. It is normal to stay up-to-date with the latest updates. However, we must also allow ourselves to take a step back when the news starts to feel overwhelming, and begins to take a toll on our mental health.
Moving into a new house as a young married couple can be a daunting experience. There are a hundred to-do lists and you always need to figure out what to start with. One of the crucial decisions is how to decorate the living space.
On average, the menstrual cycle lasts about a week. In a lifetime, a woman menstruates for about seven years. People would assume we should get used to our regular monthly visitors by the first few years. No matter how uncomfortable these customary visits are, we must remember to properly care for our menstrual hygiene.
Modern kitchen cabinets are all about looking minimalistic while giving adequate functionality.
During rainy summer days, followed by immediate heatwaves - cotton, khadi, and linen are good options to pick from.
Menstrual cramp patches, known as period pain relief patches are your new best friend during our dreaded week. When our least favourite uninvited guest Aunt Flo pays her visit, we can be prepared to deal with her unnecessary tantrums.
A handful of airlines does allow you to fly with your dog next to you, however, BARK Air went beyond that and decided to deliver a one-of-a-kind experience.