Zarin Rayhana

Are your video conferences safe?

When communication is key, who do you trust?

4y ago

A Detox Supplement Review

My journey into detoxification and self-discovery began when one night, this woman on the TV enlightened me that in order to detoxify your body, you must take Extra Nut Detoxing Supplements, because your liver is just as lazy as you at its job.

5y ago

Science podcasts for geeks

We have all been told by our teachers or seniors to read books on science outside our school curriculum, but some of us never seemed to be successful in this attempt because we found these books to be too complex or lacklustre.

6y ago

Dealing with rejection from your dream university

University admission tests are around the corner, and all of us have our heart set on a particular university, along with our parents who sometimes get even more anxious than we do. Most of the students of our country dream of making into public universities. Considering the colossal number of students that are going to compete for the somewhat few seats available, it is like a life-and-death moment for the students and their families. Hereby, a rejection can be life-shattering.

6y ago

The Best Things about Internet Friends

I remember the first time I joined social media, my parents and relatives had delivered an entire sermon on why I shouldn't be befriending unknown people on the internet. Their descriptions caused me to think of malicious, perverted old men every time the term 'internet friends' was mentioned in front of me. However, over the years, after I learned to distinguish shady internet people from the genuinely good ones

6y ago

An aisle-by-aisle guide to grocery shopping

Grocery shopping is a Herculean task, but you don't realise that until you get to do it by yourself. It might be the time when you have to move away for college, or when your parents are too busy with work so they just heave the responsibility upon your shoulders. Of course, I'm no grocery shopping expert, but here are some of the things that I learned from my experiences.

6y ago

Weird Marvel TV shows

Supaidaman is a Japanese adaptation of Spiderman, a tokusatsu that was produced by Toei Company after a licensed agreement with Marvel. The show tells the story of Takuya Yamashiro, an ardent motorcycle racer, who follows his father to a fallen spaceship called the Marveller (how original). There, he encounters the last survivor of a planet called Planet Spider, who enlightens them about an evil

6y ago

The hair tonic that changed my life

Keeping up with the trends, I used to frequently dye my hair, which had resulted in the brittle and drab hair that you can find in my old #badhairday selfies on Instagram. Despite the tons of products that I had used to repair my hair, nothing seemed to reverse the damage that the dyes had caused.

6y ago
March 8, 2018
March 8, 2018

What it's like to write for Shout

I remember when I attended my first SHOUT meeting, I was really nervous. Back then, I had not expected to come this far despite my shortcomings. Now, whenever I look back, I realise a substantial part of me has been moulded by my experiences at SHOUT. It is, perhaps, the same for all of us. Writing for one of the best youth publications of the country means that you are bound to face some unforeseen situations. Here are some of the things too familiar to SHOUT writers.

February 8, 2018
February 8, 2018

Slimming Tea Review

Last month after my mother suggested that I shed weight in order to attract a potential husband, I bought Guaranteed Ultra Slimming

February 1, 2018
February 1, 2018

A day in the life of an overthinker

Anika woke up with her shirt drenched in sweat. As she tried to put bits and pieces of the nightmare together, she realized she had seen her crush Badrul's ex-girlfriend chasing her with a jharu in her hand.

February 1, 2018
February 1, 2018

Talking Careers with Your Parents

Our career choices don't always match our parents' expectations.

January 4, 2018
January 4, 2018

6 hours of psychedelic music

When I first signed up for 6 hours of psychedelia, I was a little intimidated. I have never done anything of this sort. On the other hand, what better way to spend the night for a night owl? Hence, I started at precisely 10 PM, sitting in front of a haphazardly placed pile of books on my study table.

December 21, 2017
December 21, 2017

Dealing with overly sensitive men

Before you start judging me after having read that title, let me make it clear to you guys: I am not an orthodox, stick-in-the-mud

November 30, 2017
November 30, 2017

A non-techie's switch from Windows to Mac

For as long as I can remember, the battle between Windows and Mac OS (R.I.P. Linux) has always been ardent. Having used literally every Windows operating system, from Windows 2000 to Windows 10 while growing up, you can pretty much say that I am an instinctive Windows person. Consequently, giving up on Windows and starting to use Mac felt like one of the harshest things I did to myself.

November 9, 2017
November 9, 2017

Prepping for the SAT subject tests

Most of the Ivy League institutions, along with some other high calibre universities recommend or require the SAT Subject Tests. For example, Cornell University requires the test in two subjects for most Arts and Science majors.

September 7, 2017
September 7, 2017

Struggles of growing up shy

I grew up as the “shy and silent” type, got INTP in my personality test, and envied my outspoken counterparts. Why couldn't I make conversations as easily as they could? Soon enough, “I am just shy” became a euphemism for me.

August 24, 2017
August 24, 2017

Types of annoying people I met in online games

These are the kind of people who take the game way too seriously, and when they play, their adrenaline goes into overdrive. Throwing fits of rage and blaming others are their conventions.