Bot Law & Our Rights

Bot Law & Our Rights

RIGHTS WATCH / Accession to the Enforced Disappearance Convention Ending Impunity?

In recent years, enforced disappearance has emerged as a grave concern in Bangladesh because many such incidents have gone unpunished in the absence of any law to criminalise it.

1w ago

LAW VISION / Biosecurity Laws and infectious diseases

Infectious disease outbreaks have been a recurring theme in human history. The new variant of the bird flu (H5N1), facilitated by a minor change in its DNA, infecting bird species, and even humans leading to one death in Mexico.

1w ago

Law and Politics / Rethinking the Bangladesh-India water politics

To strike an equitable water-share mechanism between Bangladesh and India, the Joint Rivers Commission was formed in 1972, and the Ganges Water Sharing Treaty was approved in 1996, establishing a structure for collaboration between governments.

1w ago

Constitutional Law / A case against Article 7B of our Constitution

The Constitution of Bangladesh is the highest law of the land. As stated in the preamble and Article 7, our Constitution has been framed to uphold the “solemn expression of the will of the people”.

2w ago

Democracy and Inclusion / Electoral inclusion of Persons with Disabilities

According to the National Survey on Persons with Disabilities (NSPD) 2021 by Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), the percentage of disability is higher among adult people than among children in Bangladesh.

2w ago

Rights and Justice / The state of mob justice in Bangladesh

Mob justice, also known as vigilante justice, involves a group of people taking the law into their own hands, meting out punishment through violence.

2w ago

Law and Society / People’s understanding of ‘Law’ during the uprise: A sociolegal analysis

The July uprising marks a significant event for our national history not only as a moment of political introspection, but also in terms of appreciating people’s perception and understanding of law as a lived experience.

3w ago

RIGHTS WATCH / Privacy concerns over phone searches

During the quota reform movement in July and early August, reports emerged of police conducting unjustified phone searches and making arrests.

3w ago

Genocide, denial, and Gaza

Genocide denial is deeply rooted in socio-political, and historical complexities and manifests in many forms across instances like the Armenian, Holocaust, Roman, Rwandan, Bangladesh, and Rohingya genocides, to name a few.  The genocide unfolding in Gaza is live streamed before the world and yet its continuance is being vehemently denied by Israel and its allies.

2m ago

Challenges and prospects of enforcing foreign decrees in Bangladesh

In today’s globalised world order, cross-border transactions and consequent disputes have been a common phenomenon.

2m ago

Our “immutable” Constitution and the paradoxes of Article 7B

Bangladesh’s Constitution has seen its “basic structures” altered by several amendments. Several of those amendments altered the Constitution so drastically that we tend to call them “constitutional dismemberments”– a term borrowed from Professor Richard Albert of the University of Texas at Austin. The Supreme Court of Bangladesh declared some, such as the Fifth and Seventh, constitutional amendments, unconstitutional. Some, such as the Fifteenth, were never formally challenged.

2m ago

Navigating Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) and loan defaults in Bangladesh

The issue of defaulting on loans continues to be the biggest trouble for the banking industry. At the end of March 2024, total disbursed loans stood at BDT 16,40,000 crore, of which BDT 1,82,000 crore were in default, the highest in the history of Bangladesh. Currently, 11.11 percent of disbursed loans have turned into NPLs.

2m ago

Shipbreaking yards need to be environment friendly

The shipbreaking industry implies an industry that processes (e.g., separates and stores) old and discarded steel, copper metal materials, serviceable parts and machineries, fittings, furniture, and other materials in a shipyard or any convenient place. Importing and dismantling ships can generate foreign exchange revenue for the home country and potentially boost economic growth. Bangladesh is making a significant contribution to the global shipbreaking market through resource recovery.

3m ago

Who has paralysed the postwar rule-based world order?

The heinous tragedy and torment of Gaza continues unabated. The outrage of international public opinion, overwhelming support of states in the UN General Assembly, unprecedented Security Council binding resolution, and the Secretary-General’s repeated warning of an apocalyptic situation warranting immediate cease-fire and uninterrupted access of humanitarian assistance have so far gone unheeded in this world order.

3m ago

Legal remedies available for road accident victims

The Road Safety Foundation (RSF) reports that almost 6524 lives have been lost by accident in 2023. Along with deaths, several people are also left severely injured by such accidents.

3m ago

Fatal consequences of lead pollution in Bangladesh

Lead is a toxic, non-biodegradable chemical element that mostly exists in ore form. Alhough it is a natural element of our environment, due to anthropogenic reasons such as combustion of gasoline, burning of coal, mining, smelting, using lead-based paints and batteries— the level of lead exposure has risen to an alarming level.

3m ago

Revisiting the case of Shamima Begum 

In 2015, a 15-year-old British citizen Shamima Begum travelled to Syria to join the ISIS. In 2019, the Home Secretary of the United Kingdom (UK) decided to revoke Shamima Begum’s British citizenship on the presumption of her Bangladeshi citizenship, a claim which the government of Bangladesh contradicts.

4m ago

A matter of unconvincing Judicial opinions

The law schools one sees in Hollywood movies and law schools in Bangladesh have tons of dissimilarities.

4m ago