Bot Law & Our Rights

Bot Law & Our Rights

RIGHTS WATCH / Accession to the Enforced Disappearance Convention Ending Impunity?

In recent years, enforced disappearance has emerged as a grave concern in Bangladesh because many such incidents have gone unpunished in the absence of any law to criminalise it.

1w ago

LAW VISION / Biosecurity Laws and infectious diseases

Infectious disease outbreaks have been a recurring theme in human history. The new variant of the bird flu (H5N1), facilitated by a minor change in its DNA, infecting bird species, and even humans leading to one death in Mexico.

1w ago

Law and Politics / Rethinking the Bangladesh-India water politics

To strike an equitable water-share mechanism between Bangladesh and India, the Joint Rivers Commission was formed in 1972, and the Ganges Water Sharing Treaty was approved in 1996, establishing a structure for collaboration between governments.

1w ago

Constitutional Law / A case against Article 7B of our Constitution

The Constitution of Bangladesh is the highest law of the land. As stated in the preamble and Article 7, our Constitution has been framed to uphold the “solemn expression of the will of the people”.

2w ago

Democracy and Inclusion / Electoral inclusion of Persons with Disabilities

According to the National Survey on Persons with Disabilities (NSPD) 2021 by Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), the percentage of disability is higher among adult people than among children in Bangladesh.

2w ago

Rights and Justice / The state of mob justice in Bangladesh

Mob justice, also known as vigilante justice, involves a group of people taking the law into their own hands, meting out punishment through violence.

2w ago

Law and Society / People’s understanding of ‘Law’ during the uprise: A sociolegal analysis

The July uprising marks a significant event for our national history not only as a moment of political introspection, but also in terms of appreciating people’s perception and understanding of law as a lived experience.

3w ago

RIGHTS WATCH / Privacy concerns over phone searches

During the quota reform movement in July and early August, reports emerged of police conducting unjustified phone searches and making arrests.

3w ago

Redefining rape: A medico-legal call for justice

Rape is one of the most heinous crimes that can happen in a society. In ensuring justice for rape victims, an unbroken chain of medical evidence plays a significant role.

3y ago

Death penalty for rape: The severity of punishment has nothing to do with impunity

Law Desk (LD): What would be your general observations on the increasing number of rape and its relation with the culture of impunity?

3y ago

Reducing air pollution to improve air quality

Air pollution is the single greatest environmental risk to human health and one of the main avoidable causes of death and disease globally, with some estimated 6.5 million premature deaths (2016) across the world attributed to indoor and outdoor air pollution.

3y ago

Challenges of ensuring justice for rape victims

Currently in Bangladesh, rape, as one of the most pervasive and gruesome violations of human rights, is alarmingly on the rise. Despite the existence of specific social and judicial framework for addressing the crime, in most cases the perpetrators get away with sexual pillage.

3y ago