Bangladesh Bank relaxes rule over bankers’ promotions
Bangladesh Bank (BB) in a circular today relaxed a rule over the requirement of diploma certificates for bankers to get promotions.
Bankers who were senior officers prior to the introduction of the rule will not need diploma certificates to be promoted to principal officers, said the central bank.
"But ultimately they will need to get the professional certificates to get higher promotions," explained a senior BB official.
"The rules have been relaxed so that no promotions are held back and bankers get reasonable time to prepare for the diploma," he said.
The relaxation comes five months after the BB formulated the rule stipulating that bankers would have to have a junior associate of the Institute of Bankers, Bangladesh (JAIBB) and diploma associate of the Institute of Bankers, Bangladesh (DAIBB) certificates to get promoted to the next level.
The BB, however, said senior officers shifting to a different workplace in a higher position would need to have a banking diploma.